
Macbeth : The Duality Of Human Nature

Decent Essays

One of the prominent themes is appearance versus reality, the duality of human nature. In Macbeth we see this theme numerous times in many of the scenes. In act 1 scene 3 Macbeth meets the witches for the first time they give him the vision of being ‘thane of Cawdor’ and thereafter the ‘king’ himself. After the vision we begin to see that Macbeth has begun pondering whether he shall murder Duncan and taking his ‘rightful’ place as king. However at the end of this scene he begins to think in a rational manner and states “If chance may have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir” and “Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day” this shows that he believes that if it is a prophecy then it will come true without him having to do anything. Banquo had warned Macbeth that “oftentimes to win us to our harm these instruments of darkness tell us truths…to betray us in deepest consequence” although Macbeth stubbornly overlooked Banquo’s words of advice as his judgment was clouded with the with his determination and desire of the power and position he will be held in as king as well as lady Macbeth excellent persuading skills when the news reaches her Macbeth becomes more insistent to overthrow the king. Macbeth begins as a respectable soldier however when he is persuaded by his wife lady Macbeth to kill the king his mentality completely changes into a ruthless, hypocritical, evil tyrant. Macbeth is seen as ambitious and determined to do things

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