
Macbeth Tragic Hero Research Paper

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Tragic Macbeth The term “tragic hero” hints towards a person of noble birth with heroic qualities. This person is fated by the gods or by some supernatural force to doom and destruction or at least to great suffering. Macbeth is seen as a tragic hero because he used to be noble and heroic but was told of a false prophecy which turned him blind and made him do unspeakable things. Macbeth is seen as a tragic hero. He bargains his honor and his responsibilities to achieve power which leads to his tragic death at the end. Macbeth is a tragic hero because he was told of false prophecy by the witches. These witches are the supernatural beings messing with Macbeth making him turn on him friends and family. So told prophecy is as goes “All hail, …show more content…

Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth about the witches and Lady Macbeth sees her chance to become queen so she convinces Macbeth to assassinate Duncan, but Macbeth disagrees with her since he was very noble to Duncan. This enrages her so she says “what beasts wasnt, then that made you break this enterprise to me when you durst do it, then you were a man”(Act 2 Scene 7) she questions his manhood and demoralizes him further until he breaks and does the deed. After Macbeth kills Duncan he is traumatized and comes out with the daggers which he was supposed to leave and this infuriates her making her say “Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead, Are but as pictures. 'Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal, For it must seem their guilt”(Act 2 Scene 2). She was questions his manhood again by calling him a boy saying only children are afraid of the devil picture. The witches made Macbeth turn onto Banquo by saying "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater." (Act 1, scene 3) The second says, "Not so happy, yet much happier." And the third witch finishes the prophecy when she states, "Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none: /so all hail, Macbeth and Banquo!" This irritates Macbeth because Banquo will remembered forever and he will have a short reign. So Macbeth made a plan to kill Banquo, he started to talk to two murders and both of them aren’t

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