
Macconkey Agar Lab Report

Decent Essays

Conclusion: Each test performed in the lab on theses unknown bacteria have a very specific significance. With each test performed correctly the lab officer is able to move closer towards a proper identification of the unknown bacteria. After performing Gram staining and deciphering if the unknown was gram positive or negative the lab officer was then able to proceed to the next step of identification. The gram positive unknown’s reaction to the catalase test informs the tester of the Genus theyre working with. This indicates which tests to perform next. The MacConkey agar is a selective medium that only allows the growth of gram positive bacteria confirming the results received from the gram staining procedure. The NaCl growth test indicates whether or not the organism is able to …show more content…

Determination of the bacteria being a lactose fermenter or non fermenter is done through the growth on the MacConkey agar. Knowing this allow for the student to perform the necessary tests to determine which lactose fermenter was present in the sample. The Indole test allows for the determination of whether the unknown bacteria is Escherichia coli because this genus and speices is the only lactose fermenter that will produce a positive result here. Moving onto the Methyl red test this indicates glucose fermentation, more specifically microbes that produce mixture of acids as a result of fermentation. The Voges-proskauer tests for glucose fermentation, specifically organisms whose acid is converted to acetoin. The Citrate test differentiates an organism’s ability to use citrate as its only carbon source. The urea broth culture detects the enzyme urease, which allows break down of urea producing acid, which causes a noticeable change in color. The final test is the motility test to determine if the bacteria has the capacity of movement beyond the point of

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