
Machismo Art Analysis

Decent Essays

My piece of art represents Machismo. I chose to represent this issue the way I did because the women are surrounded by the man pointing out everything he dislikes about what the women do and wears. The women have no way out to run away from the men she is with because the situation can get worse than it might already be. This happens a lot around the world and not much is being done to help women for their freedom. Men always point out the bad things women do, say, act, and wear but they never say what they do right. Men like to have possession of women since they are “weak” and without a man, they are “nothing”.
This issue affects me because it happens a lot in my family. My uncles are always asking, where are you going dressed like that? Who gave you permission to put makeup? That’s too much makeup?Why did you paint your nails? Why are starting to act up? Etc. I always witness this whenever I go to Mexico to visit. My aunts always do what they say and always have to ask for permission to do things they never needed to ask for: when they lived with their parents. If my aunts “rebel” …show more content…

They also tease some of my aunts that they’ll never find a man because they are always rebelling against their authority and no men want a woman like them. They get mad whenever they want to try to control my aunts even though they know they don’t let themselves get manipulated. However, my aunts stand their ground and threaten them in telling the police if they try to hit them. This situation has sometimes led them to not talk to each other for a long time and they involve the kids to: into not talking to them or their cousins. When I go to Mexico my uncles always tease me that I’m like my aunts: rebel. I don’t let my male cousins control me. When they see that I act like my “rebel” aunts they look disappointed but they don’t tell me anything since they know how my mother

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