Macronutrient Ratios in Diets Macronutrient prescription or recommendations need to be first related to the goal at hand. These goals may range from body composition changes, maximal force output, maximal endurance capacity, or any other number of performance or health related goals. For the purposes of this discussion, high protein, low carbohydrate (CHO), moderate protein, moderate CHO, and low protein, high CHO diets will be examined as they are related to a few different types of athletic performance. High Protein, Low Carbohydrate. High protein, low CHO diets have a somewhat controversial background, but have shown their value in a variety of performance and health related circumstances. For example, Martens and colleagues (2014) …show more content…
In the health realm of dietary intervention, high CHO diets are even more convoluted in terms of weight loss and insulin resistance. McAuley and colleagues (2005) examined the effects that a high CHO diet had on weight loss and insulin resistance compared to high fat or high protein options in overweight, insulin-resistant women. They found that high CHO diets may be inferior to high protein or high fat options in terms of decreasing the factors associated with metabolic syndrome (McAuley et al., 2005). The high protein group especially reigned supreme in this study, with significant changes in waist circumference, lipid profile, and insulin response. The high CHO group showed improvements in these categories as well, but not to the same magnitude as the high protein group (McAuley et al., …show more content…
To be more specific, the athlete wants to improve intermittent high power output endurance, as this is the nature of basketball. Regarding training, the athlete trains on an undulated weight training model based on heart rate variability, and conditioning at this point is more low/moderate intensity aerobic work to not neglect this system in a highly anaerobic sport. All conditioning is done in a non-impact variety in targeted heart rate ranges. This would be considered an in-season strength and work capacity maintenance program, with the majority of the improvements desired from an endurance standpoint coming from getting into ‘basketball’ shape by practicing hard and competing.
The fictional athlete’s diet at this point can be considered balanced, but more biased towards CHO due to preference. The current approximate macronutrient ratio is 50% CHO, 20% protein, 30% fat. Most of his CHO intake is from high-glycemic index sources due to preference, and meal frequency is four times per
Based on a 24 Hour Recall of my diet, results using NutriCalc Plus report that my food intake lacked a healthy balance of all food groups. My Grain intake reached only 60% of the My Plate daily recommendations. My Vegetable intake was a mere 50% of the recommended servings. Additionally, I consumed 84% of the daily recommendations for the Dairy Group. Nonetheless, I did exceed the recommendations for the Fruit Group and Protein Group with intakes of 155% and 107%, respectively.
The athlete I have chosen is a 22 year old city soccer player named Erika Ibarra. It is important for Erika to have a nutrition that supports her power and endurance training for soccer. It is important for her to have a well balanced source of nutrients. She needs a goof source of carbohydrates and fats to help give her the energy she needs to support her endurance work outs. She also should have a good amount of protein to repair muscles before and after her workout. Her recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 calories according to the super tracker tool. I would also recommend her taking 1 serving size of multivitamins in the morning to insure that she is getting a good source of vitamins and minerals. Below is the 24 hour meal recall for
As an athlete, it is crucial for me to maintain a healthy nutritious diet. To do my best while participating in physical activities, I should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. My diet is relatively well balanced, but I should still increase my intake of those two food groups. Eating more fruits and vegetables is
Mikey’s nutrition-related goal was to maintain his weight at 165 being 5’8”. Based upon the Harris-Benedict Equation (66 + (6.3 x 165) + (12.9 x 68) – (6.8 x 20), Mikey’s over all calories that are needed to maintain his weight are 3,185 per day. My partners’ BMI was equal to 25 which was considered an elevated level, but should be fine for his health. His classification was considered overweight, but with his age and activity level this is not excessive. With a weight loss of three pounds he would reach the optimal weight range. As far as energy intake needs, I suggested the percentage of carbohydrates should be 55% calories, 20% calories from fat and 25% protein. Mikey also needs to consume approximately 38 g of fiber per day.
One of the reasons that this lab was performed was to examine the effect that CHO had on prolonged exercise. In the high CHO experiment, the theory was that with an increased amount of CHO in the system would prevent the hepatic glycogen sparing. In the low CHO (high protein) diet, that the body could maintain the exercises breaking down the protein for energy. So the question that is asked is which diet provides the best source of energy for prolonged exercise. To start examining the differences of the two diets the caloric intake of the three days is necessary. In the high CHO diet, the average caloric intake of the macronutrients for the three days were: CHO 708 calories, Protein 205.5 calories, and Fats 146.7 calories. In the low CHO
When you’re in the gym everyday working on your physique, you also need the right nutrition and performance information to support your goals. In SUPPLEMENT EDGE by Michael Rudolph, Ph.D. on page 72, we compiled some of the best cutting-edge research on nutrition and getting ahead in your training. These research-based tips can help take you to the next level in fitness and in health, so don’t miss this feature if you want to get in your best shape
To help an athlete, reach their full potential, it is extremely important to develop an effective nutrition plan. These plans cannot be developed without analyzing an athlete’s current dietary regimen with regard to their food intake as well as exercise. This paper will analyze Anthony Scarfo, a professional soccer player, examining Scarfo’s current exercise plan as well as his daily nutrition intake.
Nutrition is an important factor in an athlete’s everyday life. An athlete’s nutrition requires a variety of different foods that are a part of the 5 main food groups: Meats and Legumes, Dairy, Vegetables, Fruits and Fats. These 5 groups all have different benefits that help and affect a person’s health. All the different athletes will require different diets and meals throughout their day and week. An athlete must have a diet that suits their needs. For example, if an athlete is preparing to run in a marathon you would be eating complex carbohydrates in the week or so prior. These carbohydrates consist of low GI E.g Rice, Pasta, breads, legumes and vegetables. After the event the athlete will be looking to stock up on high GI carbohydrates which would be your energy drinks and anything that will be a quick replenishment.
From this research further investigation could look at different sports and how different types of diet effect substrate utilisation as looked into by Wu, Nicholas, Williams, Took and Hardy
performance. Ketogenic diets may be useful in sports that include weight class divisions and the aim of our study
This paper is mainly an analysis of nutrition and performance related to how much energy is needed, body composition assessment, ways to maintain and lose weight, liquid and vitamin needs, nutrition recommendations for vegetarian athletes, and the roles and responsibilities of the sports dietitian. The main proctors of the assessments are the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine. The three corporations agree that optimal nutrition can enhance athletic performance as well as physical activity and recovery from exercise. Each of these factors of health were assessed differently and assigned a grade based on the systematic analysis and evaluation of supporting research. These grades ranged
Based on athlete’s 3 –day diet record, the recommended daily calorie intake is 3200 and client
The intake of nuts and legumes are good because they have fatty acids and proteins and proteins are a type of nutrient. Proteins help the body to grow and to repair tissues. They new food pyramid says that you should take in 0-2 servings of fish, poultry ,and eggs because all of these contain all the essential amino acids. Since amino acid is the monomer of proteins, this relates to protein. The body uses about 20kmds of amino acids to construct the protein it needs. Amino acids are essential for growth. Fish, poultry and eggs also contain Vitamin B so they are also essential for growth and the functioning of the eyes. The new food pyramid says that you should eat about 1-2 servings of daily products or calcium supplements. Since dairy products contain calcium and a little bit of phosphorus they are essential for the deposition in bones, the formation of ATP and nucleic acids and for the functioning of the heart muscles and nerves. You should limit your intake of red meat, butter, white rice, white bread, potatoes, pasta, and sweets to a ver low amount because if you take too much you can get diseases and disorders. But it is good to take some of these food because they also contain a little bit of Vitamin B which are essential for growth and the functioning of the nervous system. These food also can serve as fats which serve as a cushion for the food or a reserve energy supply.
So for Sports Nutrition Diet, here are 5 Top Tips for all athletes to follow:
Also, a greater proportion of subjects in the high-protein group lost between 5-10% of their initial body weight than in the standard protein group. Moreover, the high-protein group subjects lost more abdominal fat and had greater decreases in their systolic blood pressure. While both groups showed improvements in other markers of Metabolic Syndrome, any differences in these aspects were not significant.