
Madonna Long Neck

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Sometimes in the art world using similar subjects can result in very different works. Such an example of this is in the tale of the two Madonna’s. The first Madonna is by the Italian High Renaissance artist Raphael. This piece was completed by Raphael somewhere around 1505. This piece is oil on panel and currently is on display at the national gallery of art in Washington D.C. Nobody is positive why the piece was originally painted but at that time period it was common to give this type of gift as a wedding present.

Madonna of the long neck is another work of art with the subject being Madonna. This piece of art was created by Parmigianino somewhere between 1535 and 1540. The painting was originally commissioned for the church …show more content…

Madonna is a heavily religious figure and in the piece she is portrayed in a modern setting with modern clothes of the time period. This blend of religion and a modern setting is perfect for what Madonna represents, the blend of heavily and Earthly. In the background you can see the Church of San Bernardino. This is a clue to who commissioned the picture. Both Madonna and the baby have serene expressions along with warm and cool color combinations. In Madonna of the long neck the subject is Madonna holding a baby with a few onlookers around them. The painting has an unbalanced appearance with all of the onlookers on the left side. Parmigianino did this on purpose to show that an unorthodox image could still be beautiful and …show more content…

This Madonna is painted with High renaissance painting styles. Madonna is again painted as a biblical figure wearing traditional garb of the time period. The skin of Madonna and baby is very soft and the expressions a very serene. This piece of work is very symmetrical compared to the work of parmigiano and there is a very strong sense of nature in this piece. Baby Jesus is help in a loving manner in this work compared to the Parmigianino piece where the baby seems to be ready to fall to the ground. Both Madonna and child are equally proportioned in this piece and both Madonna and baby appear to be glaring at the same thing. Some believe that that are staring at the baby’s

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