
Magical Realism In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

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Magical realism is a genre of writing that uses transformation of the common and distortion of time or identity to exemplify reality as defined in the article “What is Magical Realism, Really?” Stories often combine magical realism with other literary genres, such as absurdist fiction, which focuses on the individual dealing with a purposeless life represented by meaningless actions. “The Metamorphosis,” by Franz Kafka, is categorized solely as magical realism, but it also includes aspects of of both absurdist fiction as well, which is different from magical realism stories that do not contain absurdism such as “Axolotl.”
“The Metamorphosis” is rarely considered as magical realism because of its absurdist fiction properties, but its use of the magical realism aspects, transformation of the common and distortion of identity, similar to the use in “Axolotl,” makes it part of the magical realism genre. The use of absurdist fiction does not mean that there are no traits of magical realism found in the story. At the start of “The Metamorphosis,” Gregor Samsa “finds himself transformed into gigantic insect”(Kafka 89) one morning, something that cannot happen. He was just a normal person with an “exhausting job…traveling about day in, day out ”(89). Before his transformation Gregor was a normal person, his metamorphosis is the only out of ordinary occurrence in his life. Him turning into an insect is both the transformation of the common and distortion of identity aspects of

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