
Magna Carta of Student

Decent Essays

R e publicof the Philippines House of Representatives Quezon City F OURTEENTH CONGRESS Second RegularSession H OUSEBILL NO

(ln substitution HouseBill Nos.332,2520 of and 2584)
Introducedby Reps. Edcel G. Lagman,Rufus B. Rodriguezand Ana TheresiaHontiverosBaraquel

AN ACT PROVIDING A MAGNA FOR CARTA STUDENTS OF Be it enactedby the Senafeand House of Representatives the Philippines Congress of rn assemb/ed
I 2 3 Section1. ThisActshall known the"Magna be as Carta Students." of Sec. 2. Declarationof Policy. - The State:
( a ) Declares commitment protect its to and promote rightsand welfare Filipino the of students in

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(g) With their democratic rightsguaranteed, studentscan serve as a potentand cogent force in the country ' nationalist socialtransformation. SEC.4. Definitionof Terms.- As used in thisAct, the following termsshallmean: (a) Student"- any person enrolledin school in the secondary, post secondary, tertiary, graduate and postgraduateincluding those enrolled in vocational and technical education. (b) "School"- any private,public or government-run and funded academiceducational institution offering any or all coursesin the above-mentioned levels. (c) "SchoolCampus"- the totalityof all contiguous proximatebuildings, groundsand or other facilities designated the schoolauthorities areas or facilities the use of by for as theirstudents. (d) "Governing Board"- the highestpolicymakingbody of the schoolsuch as: Board of Directors, Trusteesor Regents. - the (e) "Student population Council/Government" body representing wholestudent the in one schoolor schoolcampuswhoseofficers annually are electedat largeby the pursuant its constitution by-laws, any. wholestudentpopulation to and if (f) "Council Leaders" the bodycomposed the headsof variousstudent of of organizations chairedby the President/Chairmanthe Student of Council. (g) "Tuition Fee"- The fee representing directcostsof instructions, training and other "other school fees" refersto relatedactivities,

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