Cassandra Cruz
July 7, 2013
Professor Bruce Victor
Health 102
To maintain a healthy lifestyle in a society that changes so frequently, one must stay determined to stay healthy. As I have learned in this course, being healthy is not easy in the world we live in today. Being truly healthy requires work and sacrifice. It may mean that maybe we shouldn’t have that extra slice of cake or maybe we should try to squeeze in that extra hour of sleep. Whatever the small sacrifice may be, being healthy is so worth it because it can improve our overall quality of life. Our society is always advertising a new diet pill, or a new brand of cigarettes, but are those types of things worth feeling lousy and run down? I personally don’t think
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High blood pressure is also linked to heart attacks and strokes. Stress hormones also make it much harder to sleep. Those who sleep anywhere from seven to nine hours a night are less likely to become obese and may even be more likely to drop weight rather than gain it. Adequate sleep can also make you more productive and alert. Being a high school student, getting enough sleep is not always on the top of my list of things to do. I’m always busy or I choose to stay up later than I should in order to get things done. This is a fault on my part because by doing this I am forcing my body to run on fumes. I need to make it a point to allow my body to rest enough every night so that I can be even more productive the next day. Sleep may seem very trivial when it comes to getting healthier, but in fact it is the very base of having a healthy body. Positive thinking can protect our immune system. Our thoughts and attitude have a very big effect on our bodies. By being negative, our bodies become more susceptible to illnesses and diseases. In many studies researchers have found that optimists tend to have better health than pessimists. Optimists were even found to recover from surgery faster than pessimists. Our mind has a very strong effect on our bodies and by thinking positively we can improve our health. There is no thought that we have that our bodies do not hear. Our
Sleep, diet and regular exercise are all part of a healthy lifestyle, and a lack of sleep or exercise can contribute to increasing stress levels. According to the University Health Centre at the University of Georgia, adults need at least six to ten hours sleep per night (University Health Center, n.d.). Sleep also facilitates learning and memory “During sleep, the brain organizes, sorts, and stores what we have learned and experienced that day, making it easier to recall at a later time.” (University Health Center, n.d.) A lack of sleep can result in a decreased academic performance and increased mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. (University Health Center, n.d.). Prior to this knowledge I was going to sleep in the early hours of the morning resulting in little sleep. After changing my sleeping pattern, I have felt more rested and less fatigued throughout the day meaning I can focus more clearly on studying and learning. This is evidence that a healthy body and a well-rested mind increases can help increase and maintain better academic
Imagine: a world where a biological necessity is not seen as a priority, and adolescent’s educations are suffering. This is how schools’ think about sleep.What all human beings need to survive is being put on the back burner by most schools in America- sleep(11a). It has been proven through the process of scientific research that sleep is necessary on the same level as food or activity. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation is a chronic health problem that many youths suffer from today. Teens are naturally predisposed to go to sleep around 11 pm, but are forced to wake up around 6:15, not allowing any time for adequate sleep (“Backgrounder: Later school start Times” 1). Irregular sleep patterns during teenage years can cause long-term
FACT: Scientific research is showing a correlation between poor sleep and health. If you’re not getting enough sleep and/or are waking frequently during the night, you may experience an elevation in blood pressure, which normally decreases during sleep. This can cause cardiovascular problems. Studies also have shown that lack of sleep can have an impact on blood sugar levels, with the body’s reaction being similar to insulin resistance.
This article explains the importance of getting the perfect amount of sleep at night. The idea that sleeping for less than five hours or more than nine hours proves to have a negative effect on the human body. Sleep deprivation has a closely related link to memory retention and can cause a person to have trouble with daily task. The author continues to explain that not only is the brain effected by too little or too much sleep, but the rest of the body is also effected. Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and even depression have links to not getting the perfect amount of sleep. The article concludes with listing tips to get the ideal amount of sleep at night, such as, going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day and limiting the amount of caffeine that is consumed throughout the day.
(Myers and Dewall, pg.30). If I wake up and I am thinking to myself that this is going to be a bad day, it affects me and I will usually have a bad day. It has been said that positive thinking will produce a positive outcome. According to Darshan Goswami, “Some long term studies on positive thinking and health have been conducted that confirms positive thinking strengthens the immune system and assists in healing.” (The Power of Positive Thinking) By my own observations, I agree with this statement. When I have gone to work thinking that I do not want to be there and that it will be a bad day, I end up having a bad day. The opposite holds true as well. My emotions can have an influence over my health. When I get too upset about something at work, it will literally make me sick to my stomach and end up giving me a headache. If I dwell on not feeling well it can literally make me feel sick. This is another example of how negative and positive thinking can affect health. This gives way to our body’s neural communications and how they send messages to other
People who sleep five hours or less a night may be at higher risk of developing high blood pressure or worsening already high blood pressure (Sheps, 2015). Irritability after a sleepless night or long hours at work could make nurses more short-tempered and vulnerable to stress (Balancing, 2007).
Don’t you remember those terrible days waking up early Monday through Friday for high school? Or maybe that’s your life right now? Either or, it’s a terrible thing that nobody should have to endure, especially if you’re not a morning person. I’ve certainly had my personal share of this; waking up around 5 am everyday and not being able to get enough sleep due to balancing my social life, schoolwork, and extracurricular activities. Did you also know that despite that terrible feeling of being tired all the time it also comes with serious health risks And decline in school performance? When teenagers are sleep deprived, it can lead to them getting worse grades than usual, cause them to accidentally injure themselves
In today’s American society, many individuals have developed unhealthy eating habits. A study done in 2012 states fifty-two percent of polled Americans thought that doing their taxes was easier than trying to figure out how to eat healthy. There are many things that people look at as hassles to healthy eating rather than looking at the big benefits healthy eating has on someone. Many people think of these issues when they think of healthy eating the cost, the availability of the food, that it is “hard”, they do not want to diet, and so on. Changing the eating habits of an individual
We all have that one goal and it usually starts with the new-year, a breakup,being bullied,or just wanting to feel better about yourself. When it comes down to it you stop doing it because maybe you feel: it doesn’t work, keep getting sick or maybe you just want to sink your teeth into a big greasy cheeseburger, many different reason why we quit dieting. Many Americans probably didn’t think about why they do a diet, the reason the doctors tell the certain people to go on a diet is because people don’t know that when a you’re overweight it puts stress on the lungs, heart and skeleton because it can’t hold the weight from the fat and other problems such as
Within the last few decades the world has become more educated then ever. The information we now have on medicine and general knowledge is helping people live longer and healthier lives. Many people seek the fountain of youth, but little do they know it is all about what they eat and how they exercise that prolongs life. Modern science shows us simple steps in everyday life could quite possibly lead to a healthier and longer life. By utilizing both good nutritional habits and exercise can improve ones life.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is indeed a meaningful duty we owe ourselves. ‘If you do not have good health, you do not have wealth’. Healthy lifestyle means upholding a balanced and nutritious diet as well as involves in fitness activities. A healthy diet alone however isn’t sufficient to produce a healthy body as physical activity helps to keep one in shape and free of sickness and disease.
What healthy lifestyle habits do you already have in your life? If you can't think of many - or any, then I can pretty much predict how your life is going right now. You probably have some health issues and some problems in your relationships. You're probably not as happy as you want to be. Life may feel more like a chore than a fun adventure. And, if you were to rate different aspects of your life from one to ten, you would likely fall somewhere below five in most areas.
Sleep is as important as eating or breathing, yet most people take sleep for granted. As a teen, not getting the
More than 78.6 million of U.S. adults are obese, that is almost one-third of the whole U.S. population. The U.S. ranks 27th on the scale of most obese countries (out of 188). America is the only country where the poor are more obese than the rich or middle class. Today’s generation might be the first in which parents will outlive their own children due to obesity related problems. The lives of the 20th century differs from this generation because of lifestyles, eating habits, GMO’s and lack of exercise. These situations could be resolved, by making this generation realize the hardships one could possibly phase if not taken into action. Is it that people just have poor living choices? Is it the businesses fault? Is it the government’s? How can people have a healthier lifestyle?
There are many benefits to living a healthy lifestyle, and there are many aspects that lead into it. Three important aspects that are most beneficial to a healthy life include sleep, diet and nutrition, and exercise. To live a healthy life starts at a young age. Living a healthy lifestyle when young is beneficial for adult life.