Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder in which you feel sad, discouraged, pessimistic, and at the extreme end of it suicidal. It has been called the “common cold” of psychological disorders because it is the number one reason that people seek mental health services. A study done by the CDC estimated that one out of every ten adults has been depressed at one point or another in their life. Depression can be caused by many things such as illness, abuse, a lack of serotonin in your brain, or countless other things. An article written in the New York Times entitled “Major Depression”, stated that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain due to stress, problems with your genes, or sadness. But it’s more likely a nice cocktail of all of those things give or take a few instead of just one of those factors. And no matter what your age you can develop depression whether you’re a ten year old kid or a fully grown adult. The symptoms of depression according to the essay are, fatigue, generally being irritated by everything, loss of interest, and a slew of other fun things. And in the very deepest and severe forms of the depression you can hallucinate and have delusions which is called depression with psychotic features. But the article sums up the symptoms by basically saying that when you have depression “you often see everything in a negative way”. According to the essay depression is very treatable though, with the treatments including medicine, talk
Major depressive disorder, we all have probably heard of it, but do we really know what is it is ? Major depressive disorder is “a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest… major depressive disorder or clinical depression, affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems”(Mayo Clinic Staff). Having this disorder puts you in a very unstable position because you are constantly feeling depressed so it affects the way you think and feel and that can be very dangerous. Sometimes this happens to a person for one day, but put yourself in the shoes of someone who experiencing this for more than two weeks? When you have major depressive disorder, the signs of depression disorder can last for two weeks or more(myers646). This dis order must be treated immediately because “depression may make you feel as if life isn 't worth living”(Mayo Clinic Staff). Feeling this way can lead you to doing things that you can not take back such as committing suicide and sadly that can happen when you have major depressive disorder. Kiyohara and Yoshimasu conducted a research that showed that 90% of suicides have were dealing with major depressive disorder(qtd. in The World Health Organization). Throughout this paper I will be discussing the causes, symptoms and treatment when dealing with major depressive disorder.
The major psychological disorders fall under anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia and other disorders such as eating, personality or dissociation disorders. By classifying these disorders, scientist can then describe and predict its future course. Mental health workers view psychological disorders as patterns of thoughts, feelings, or actions that are deviant, distressful and dysfunctional. The standard for what is deviant behavior is different in different cultures and in different context.
Major Depression Disorder is a disorder that affects the mood of a person and causes them to feel a loss of interest or have a feeling of sadness. The disorder affects the way you feel, behave and think. Major depression can lead to a variety of physical and emotional problems. Major depression affects about 6.7% of the U.S. population over age 18, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. (, n.d.) The risk of getting major depression is twice as high in women than it is in men. The number of men who have depression is significantly
In an attempt to better understand depression in today’s youth, I have chosen to explore the depths of Major Depressive Disorder and how it affects the young people in our society. Depression amongst school age children and adolescents are the primary focus. The prevalence, adversities, and treatment of the depression are discussed as well. After exploring these few facets of the disorder, I will talk briefly about the Ecological Model developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner and Morris in 1998 that is used by counselors to help evaluate and assess the children who are referred by teachers or medical
Depression is characterized by depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, changes in weight or appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty concentrating, or recurrent thoughts of death. A diagnosis of major depressive disorder requires the presence of five or more symptoms during the same two-week period and
Depression can change or distort the way someone sees their self, their life, and those around them. People who have depression usually see everything with a more negative attitude, unable to imagine that any problem or situation can
Major depressive disorder is the most common form of depression. It is also known as clinical depression. In order to be diagnosed, symptoms must be present for two weeks, and occurs twice as often in women as
The term Psychological disorder, known more as mental disorders or psychotic disorders. Mental disorders are patterns of behavioral or psychological symptoms that impact multiple areas of life. There are lots of different psychological disorders such as; major depressive disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD, substance use and addictive disorder. These disorders can create distress for the individual experiencing these symptoms. Psychological disorders affect most peoples daily lives some worse than others. Some people are born with psychological disorders, others may have suffered a traumatic event that opened a door in the brain that caused the disorder. There are millions of people that suffer mental or behavioral
Symptoms of depression vary greatly. If someone starts isolating themselves, losing interest in hobbies, having trouble concentrating, skipping classes, and/or using drugs and alcohol, they may be suffering from depression (Mooney 24-25). Other mental symptoms are frequently feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or worthless; being more restless
Major Depressive Disorder or MDD is a very common clinical condition that affects millions of people every year. According to the Agency for Health Care Policy & Research, “ depression is under diagnosed & untreated by most medical doctors, despite the fact that it can almost always be treated successfully.
In the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (APA, 2000) the symptoms of depression are: loss of interest or enjoyment in activities; changing in weight and appetite; changes to sleep pattern; loss of energy; feeling worthless or guilty; suicidal thoughts; poor concentration and being either agitated or slowed up.
Symptoms of depression: There are many symptoms of depression. Depression symptoms can range from mild to serve. Here are some of the symptoms you could possibly experience when dealing with depression:
Most depressed individuals feel there is no way to end the misery and torture of
Depression is the most common of all psychological disorders, affecting 100 million people worldwide. The depression ranges from mild feelings of uneasiness, sadness, and apathy to intense suicidal despair. (Kasschau) If left untreated, it could lead the
This serious disorder is seen as negativity in an individual’s state of mind as well. It also happens to let an individual show physical signs of a different behavior, and it usually causes an individual to have negative feelings, low self-esteem, and the loss of interest to do anything (Journal, n.d). Because depression influences an individual’s mood and outside behavior, this can result as a major disorder (Depression