
Major Themes Of The Qur 'An'

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Paper 2 The Qur’an is God’s revelation-God’s speech word for word. It is used as the final guide for humanity until the Day of Judgment. These are some of the things as a Muslim I was taught; I also believe them to be true. Yet to be completely honest I find the Qur’an to be a bit confusing when trying to read from beginning to end. Not to say that I don’t gain any spiritual benefit or learn ethics. It more that the Qur’an seemed to be repeating over and over again ideas like certain laws, the Hereafter, and the Oneness of God. Until recently I saw these instead as themes of the Qur’an. Themes that I feel God has repeated over and over to change those who disbelieve and keep resilient those who believe. Major Themes of the Qur’an by Fazlur Rahman gives us a look at …show more content…

He says that God has made the laws of nature. Human beings are responsible for understanding and experimenting to discover it. I feel that this a great idea because it allows a lot of leg room. That means that religion doesn’t always have to be the end all be all in certain matters. Humans can turn to medicine, philosophy, or other sciences in order to gain knowledge and help others. This allows religion and science to coexist. Although I still believe that the science has to conform to the religion. An example of this science would be evolution. Many species have gone through metamorphosis overtime due to changing environments. This includes humans who scientist have believe have come from our chimpanzee-like ancestors. The religion of Islam teaches that all of mankind came from Adam and Eve. This doesn’t correlate either what science tells us. Yet one can speculate by filling in the gaps that the two ideas can forge. Although the area in which Islam diverges is when scientists say that human beings came directly from the chimpanzee-like ancestors. So I think that Islam will follow science up to a point, but will not all

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