Trump began posting extreme messages to stand out from other candidates during the election and still posts intense content to create more attraction in his presidency. As a matter of fact, the article “How Marketing Helped Donald Trump Win the 2016 Election.” agrees when it states that “Trump created and communicated an offering “value” of delivering change in exchange for the risk and time “price” voters paid to consider voting for him. Trump’s communication plan used the campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” to resonate with groups or target markets of people he wanted to reach…”. Essentially, Trump would post messages that would promote such as building a wall and creating a travel ban to prevent illegal immigration. He made more risks to achieve his goal of winning more people over by targeting …show more content…
Trump reacts to this horrible event stating that there should be a travel ban that will prevent any more disasters. Then, on Twitter, he posts “Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs”. Trump calls Hillary Clinton out declaring that she would be an awful candidate because she encourages immigrants to become naturalized citizens and create a new path to citizenship. It is evident, that Trump truly has no filter when it comes to expressing how he feels. This post received thousands of likes and retweets, and he has hundreds of posts all over different media platforms that contain extreme messages such as this that sparked huge debates all over media and the news. This showed him that his method of reacting honestly to the media is indeed successful, and that is why he decided to carry on with this
First, I hope you both are well. Second, WFMY News 2 & Liz Crawford are looking for a local eatery to deliver the 6P Sports Cast for 8 weeks prior to Thursday Night NFL!!! How about talking some pig skin at Pig Pounder? Better yet let’s switch them up week to week and go to Daryl’s Wood Fired Grill, one of Greensboro’s favorites and of course make a stop at the extremely popular Burger Warfare!!! Speak to your professionals, families, singles, male and females during the 6 P News for $500.00 a week for 8 weeks!!! Promote your establishments as the home to get your Sports fix in the Triad!!! Not only will she be live on location, the exclusive opportunity includes commercials, digital ads and opening / closing
To begin with, Donald Trump believes that he is above everyone else and does not have to follow any rules. Trump’s narrow-mindedness and arrogance makes him a non-conformist. For example, Trump continuously spoke about putting up a wall so that Mexican people wouldn't be able to cross the border to come to America. Trump said “ I will build a great wall- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me- and I'll build them very inexpensively.’ ‘ I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall.’ ‘Mark my words.’” Therefore, Donald Trump felt certain that he will build a wall to keep people out and make them pay for it. Furthermore, Donald Trump sexually humiliated a former Miss Universe. He made an
Pulling out of the Paris Agreement is a Rejection of the rest of the world! It's a wall between US and almost every other country in the world. It's telling the Whole World we no longer want to participate in Making the World Great.
Studies show that about 69% of highschool studies graduate. Recently Donald Trump, businessman and television personality was elected for president, and his whole slogan was “Make America Great Again” which he put on hats. This slogan has to do with him wanting to increase employment and a big way to do that is by more people getting through school. The message of the political cartoon I chose is that if you are able to get a good enough education you will be able to become successful in life. The cartoon portrays this message through the use of many different rhetorical devices. The first device the cartoonist uses is symbolism. The cartoon uses the hat to symbolize graduation from school. This ties back to the message of if you are able to
I believe the audience McGray is trying to reach is Americas. He talks about the youth of America but I don’t think that the youth will be the main reader of this article. The style of his writing attracts higher educated personal thus attracting more towards parents and the school educators and that is why I think that is his main audience. The purpose of this article is to illuminate the importance of being able to argue in a noteworthy and professional way in “the world beyond U.S borders” by enlarging multicultural education. He continuously talks about how Americas youth is not being properly educated in countries and its effects.
We are all here as brothers and sisters to ratify our uniform, which is the color of our skin, to bring about the revision of our nation into the land in which our forefathers intended.
In “Lost in America” McGray writes about the need to improve the foreign language policies in schools across America and for students to gain knowledge about counties outside of America. The author’s intentions are not to attack Americas educational system but to enlighten and teach the readers about the problems of the educational system used in America today. His audience is towards American readers interested on political and cultural issues, as well as highly educated people concerned about global issues. I don’t think it’s geared towards students because, ironically the students he is referring to would not be reading the kind of article he is writing. His purpose of this article is to shine light on the importance of being able to argue in a noteworthy and professional way “beyond U.S borders” by using and applying multicultural education and making it clear that if America doesn’t pull it together we will see the consequences.
I, Roger Smith, am bringing this petition to light to portray how America treats its minorities. The irony of how America is lauded to be this liberal and free country meanwhile they forced and dragged African Americans into a life of slavery and inhumane treatment. Husbands, wives, even children are being taken away from their families by force to obey white supremacy. This is the kind of power that creates this sort of hierarchy and damages the meaning of what a liberal tradition should resemble.
In Martin Luther King Jr.'s seminal work, "The Other America," he employs various rhetorical strategies to deliver a powerful message about the socioeconomic disparities and racial injustices prevalent in American society. King skillfully utilizes ethos, pathos, and logos to captivate his audience and inspire them to confront the issues of poverty and inequality. “The Other America” by Martin Luther King Jr. is a poignant exploration of the hidden struggles endured by impoverished communities across America. King begins by establishing his credibility as a leader in the civil rights movement, referencing his experience in fighting for justice and equality. He sets the context by highlighting the economic prosperity of America juxtaposed with
Donald Trump is our absolute last hope for not just the United States of America but the entire world.
Politicians have used fear during a time full of a sense of disorder in order to gain popularity. The reaction to fear is universal and everyone is susceptible to it, forcing them to seek refuge/comfort. Political candidates then take advantage and paint themselves as a form of refuge. This makes fear a favorable strategy for politicians to gain popularity votes. Fear has the power to persuade voters more than any other strategies as seen in modern day politics and in 1964.
In President Bush’s Address to the Nation Speech the day after September 11 (9/11) in 2001, President Bush wants to inform the country of this tragic event and what was going to happen for the country. President Bush uses rhetorical devices to captures the audience’s attention and to reach this purpose. President Bush mainly use pathos, logos, anaphoras, and personifications to achieve his purpose.
In this paper I am going to discuss the rhetorical appeals, as well as the argumentative structure, audience and purpose set forth by George W. Bush in his September 27 speech in Flagstaff, Arizona. More specifically I will refer to the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos and logos, and explain how they are used to gain the support and attention of the audience and further the further the purpose of the speech. As I explain these appeals I will also give an insight into the argumentative structure and why it is apparent in this particular speech.
Donald Trump recently gave a speech discussing rising Radical Islamic Terrorism, immigration from the Middle East, and a need for a rise in national security while Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13th 2016. He centers his whole speech around discussing how bad a President his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would be in difficult times. Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance in 1968 with a bachelor 's degree in economics, and has become a very successful businessman. He’s the Republican nominee for this upcoming presidential election, and is a very controversial candidate and person. He has come under fire for many of his views that he discusses in his June 13th speech. While Trump does make some agreeably points, he renders his speech ineffective because of his heavy reliance on Clinton’s opinion to form his own. If Trump were to become President, his stance on important issues would need to be reached with careful consideration, and not just based on doing the opposite of his opponents.
Another very effective rhetorical strategy used in this speech is allusion. The first allusion Trump makes is about The Marshall Plan. He mentions the pillars of The Marshall Plan: Peace, sovereignty, security and prosperity. He also states that “The Marshall Plan was built on the noble idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent, and free.” The reason he alludes to The Marshall Plan is