After discussing for a while over what kind of product we could endorse in our advertisement, we decided to try to tackle the stereotype “that makeup on men is unacceptable,” striving for a witty and humorous approach when planning and filming the video. Our video was about a young man who wanted to be more manly. In a way, some viewers could possibly relate to this, so our target audience was all the people who, like Bridie, want to use basic makeup products, like skin perfector, concealer, eyeshadow, and lip gloss, while still looking manly af.
Although makeup is normally classified as a women’s product, in this day and age, there are men that enjoy wearing it anyway, so creating a product that was basically the same thing, just labelled
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- in much the same way that women’s makeup defines or enhances features that are normally stereotyped as feminine. In short, we used the male stereotypes in our favour to create a product - which was originally supposed to break a stereotype - more appealing to our target audience.
Considering our group was made up of only girls, we needed some way of incorporating a manly man into the video. Our solution was to pick one of us to become the manliest of men. For this task, we chose none other than the amazing Bridie. Of course, we couldn’t only include Bridie in the video. And we needed some other talented actors to accompany her, and make the advertisement even more persuasive. Jaimie took on the role of the pretty girl, who wore lots of makeup, and Courtney became the very confident and convincing presenter of manly man makeup.
To find a suitable outfit for Man-Bridie, we observed the habits of the modern manly man and created the perfect ensemble for our primary character. The outfits of the other characters were then much simpler to assemble. Jaimie wore a dress that made her look feminine, and lots of makeup (as Bridie pointed out in the ad). Courtney wore a bright dress so that she stood
The commercial’s appeal to women relies not only on the attractiveness of the actor and the settings, but to the humor that is based on the idea that such a perfect man can exist at all. Conversely, not only do these commercials reach out to women, but also there are men in the target audience and there is a message for them as well. These ads present an ideal image of how a man should be and what he should smell like. By using a good looking, fit, man for this advertisement, it gives the product an image that men want. The logical fallacy, ad populum, is present in this commercial. This ad almost shouts out the ideas that if you use the product you can look, smell, and be exactly like the man you see on your television. The Old Spice man, Mustafa, does everything better than you do and will give your woman more than you can give her. You can smell like the “ultimate man”, or as the slogan used in the ads says, “Smell like a man”. The ad
The costumes in the movie reflect the character’s personality and developed a vision for the audience. For the most part the women wore brighter colors, such as red, orange, and animal print, while the men stuck to the basic
Overall, many stores and popular companies are not conscientious when it comes to gender stereotypes. Most of the popular brands and stores like Disney, Target, and DC Comics are plainly sexist. Fortunately though, many of the popular brands and retailers are making significant efforts to gender neutralize their products. Even though only a few companies are taking action, it could be the start of a new trend. The trend would be very important to future of course of
Recently, Fenty Beauty released a commercial onto Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. This is the ideal method for displaying the makeup line because commercials have motion, which allows the viewer to see the use of the products in various looks. This advertisement shows a wide variety of people from different cultures and parts of the world. This makes it relatable to almost all people watching it because people automatically connect to advertisements where they see people that they associate with themselves. Therefore, by using this technique people will have a positive image of the brand and are more likely to buy the products. Along with the use of diverse models, there were animations of the products all linking together. By showing models in various shape, skin colour and background, Fenty Beauty focuses on an audience that has been rarely targeted. The audience for the makeup line are people with darker skin tones. The market for this audience was nearly untouched so there was definitely money to be made. This advertisement is also very unique in the way it shows its products. It has an aesthetic feel and makes itself visually appealing by using varying shades of colour, shapes, and camera angles along with upbeat music synced animations keeps the audience engaged. This creative use of visuals make it more appealing to the audience so that they are more likely to buy the product. The visuals show all the products in the product mix. The packaging of the products in the
The commercial shown in figure 1 is for a perfume called ‘the one gentleman’ which Matthew Mcconaughey a well-known actor did for Dolce & Gabbana, a trade mark for designer products. The commercial tells us that this is a body spray to use when one wants to be seen as a gentleman. In reality a gentleman is not a man who just uses this body spray, but a man is seen as a gentleman by certain attributes society sees as being acceptable. Commercials like these can really have an impact because the viewer wants to look like the person with the body spray, and themselves be perceived as a gentleman. The unspoken
Imagine a girl who can not be or act like herself. She also had many male interest like wrestling and hanging out with her dad. The ibo tribe has strict rules on many things including religion, gender roles, and culture. She tries to avoid the rules so she can be who she wants to be. Ezinma is trapped in a tribe where gender roles control the tribe and family according to their culture.
Imperialism started in the 1870s and lasted until 1914. It was an expansion policy motivated by economic needs created by the Industrial revolution. The European nations were also motivated by their political views and their association of Empire Building with greatness. These European nations found social and religious reasons for imperialism that promoted the superiority of Western Society over the uncultured, "backward" society. Imperialism caused a significant change in the social, political, and economic structure of Africa, South-East Asia, ands East Asia.
This photo displays one of my favourite evening rituals, watching makeup tutorials on Youtube. In this particular photo you can see two of the most famous and influential beauty youtubers, who label themselves as men in makeup. Everyday these men break the controversial boundaries of gender which has helped them to become internet stars and inspirational role models for my generation. It’s the blurred gender divide that these men create and support that inspired me to take this photograph, as although they are very popular there is a large proportion of the internet which disagrees with their modern attitudes, behaviour and outlook.
Chris Evans is the first thing that the audience sees when looking at the given advertisement. He represents the role of men in society perfectly. His piercing blue eyes provide a stark contrast with the rest of the image. He’s looking directly into the camera as well which exudes a level of confidence that most men can only wish to have. Viewers will be left wondering what they could do to achieve this
It was not only till the Nineteenth century where makeup became gender inclusive to society and became a women dominated industry. As the years progressed society was conditioned to think that makeup was made for women. Outside ancient Egypt women had done above and beyond to enhance their beauty to become better suited for a mate or to be considered beautiful. Before makeup was even introduced to world, women went to the extremes of using burnt matches to darken their eyes, using berries to stain there cheeks and lips, and even swallow oxblood to improve overall complexion. And if it wasn’t for the help of social media, men would still be struggling to this day to get the cosmetic recognition that they deserve. Gender roles has always created social boundaries for not only men but for women as well.Women have also dealt with the hardship of trying to be accepted in a society. Since the nineteenth th century restraints of not being able to vote, or work has carried on to the Twentieth century. Women are taken seriously when it comes to sports or having physical strength. Till this day women are making less on their paychecks compared to men. Both genders have their disadvantages and both deal with trying to break the labels that have been created. A new societal culture is happening and regardless of gender the traditional constraints that have been created it is becoming less significant in not only the
Sarah is interested in fashion, and has been since she was young. Sarah says that she's just taking regular classes because fashion school doesn't really look at grades anyway. She is interested in the arts, although she isn't taking any art classes this year.
Representations of men in media have a different approach—they tend to focus on strength, power, physique, independence, etc… The first ad portrays a clearly athletic, strong, male individual. His expression is one of determination and focus—He’s not going to let anyone get in his way. He is aggressive, and overflowing with testosterone. It is unclear what the product is, something to do with athletic performance. The next image is fitted with the caption “Always A Champion”, making it simple to realize this ad is all about the male ego. This man has a very intimidating expression, one of strength and—almost anger. His positioning shows off his clearly muscular arms and his aura is almost overpowering. In both images, the idea that a true man should be strong, aggressive, etc… is presented. For any normal male individual viewing this ad, he would feel like that is what he should be—if he was a “real man”.
It’s the overuse of Photoshop in beauty ads that also plays a large part in our changed view of womanhood. We are shown how the woman on the cover and are expected to believe this is how she naturally looks, but with a bit of makeup. Heavily edited
Today the media has a way of defining masculinity and femininity through advertisements. Different advertisements have different ways of defining masculinity and femininity. In an Emporio Armani Diamonds Fragrance advertisement, it advertises vivid visual elements to convey the idea that masculinity means being, desirable, handsome, over-confident, powerful and extremely wealthy. The definition of the Emporio Diamond add is achieved through the uses of stunning models, facial expressions, body language and the setting.
This advertisement reinforces the western culture 's ideal beauty type. The woman featured in the commercial is young, white, and thin all of which make her conventionally attractive as these are the characteristics that are most desired in Western society (Hobbs and Rice, 2013). Furthermore, youth is viewed as an indication of sexual and reproductive ability, whiteness is commonly associated with beauty and purity, and thin or athletic people are favoured over the disabled or overweight (Hobbs and Rice, 2013). By failing to include a woman that strays from any of the three characteristics listed previously, the Axe Apollo commercial does little to challenge mainstream beauty ideals. It is not surprising however, that the woman featured in the ad is not only highly sexualized but also conforms to western beauty norms as Carla Rice