It is not some huge shocker that making an F on a test is seriously terrible. It not only affects a persons overall grade, but also affects ones perception of their own intelligence. Making an F on a test can make people feel depressive and furious, considering how badly it will affect their grade. However since there is nothing that can done about it, eventually we just accept our fate and move on with our lives. The same could be said about having to wake up in the morning. No “normal” people actually like the feeling of waking up in the morning; they just do it because it simply has to be done. When it comes to waking up in the morning there are several stages such as sadness, anger, and acceptance that most of us have to deal with. Sadness is the first wave of emotion to hit an individual when they have just failed a test. Struggling to comprehend the situation that has been placed before them, sadness creeps in and gives them an answer. The words “you just aren’t good enough”, or “you should have studied harder”, are all that one is left with. They are left empty and alone, with nothing to do but to cry …show more content…
People use this shower as a time to reflect on their life choices and to regret not going to bed at an earlier time. Usually a peoples anger stems from an internally bred hatred, caused from not sleeping enough, not waking up on time, or not preparing for the morning the night before. However this does not stop most people from lashing out on the closest living thing in their vicinity. This is also comparable to the feelings of anger when failing a test. It is in our human nature to deny any possibility of anything actually being our fault, (like failing a test). We simply blame it on our teachers, classmates, or even the weather. Finding an excuse is extremely easy: the hard part is accepting responsibility for the failed grade and not blaming it on
When my chemistry teacher handed back the test we took, I frustratingly wiped sweat away from my eyebrow. Another C- no saving my grades now. Even if I studied diligently for eight hours a day and aced everything, I can do no better than a B-. I thought about my friends who go to a less prestigious school; they can put in minimal amount of work in chemistry class and still manage an A-. Then, I stumbled upon “In Praise of the “F” Word”. In her article “In Praise of the “F” Word”, Mary Sherry makes a case that high schools are giving students grades that they don’t deserve or didn’t work for, producing “semiliterate” graduates. “In Praise of the “F” Word” attempts to persuade teachers to grade harshly on students in order for them to truly comprehend the material and be prepared for the workforce when they graduate. Sounds fairly reasonable at first glance, doesn’t it? However, if one analyzes this proposal, it’s not hard to find a myriad of underlying consequences with it. If teachers decide to go through with Sherry’s plan, they put their students at an immediate disadvantage and jeopardize their chances of getting into a better college.
Too many F’s in a school year will fail the student and require the student to take the same grade a second time.
In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, Abigail can be considered evil and her failed attempt to be good and pure was evident. Arthur Miller has portrayed Abigail to be unclean and the chaos of Salem, this is clearly shown from the very beginning of the play when Betty reveals to the audience, abigails truly malicious character saying, “you drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife.” this quote outlines the truth of abigail's evil intentions and despite her obvious knowledge about what is right to do, she tries to guilt John Proctor into continuing their affair “You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet! John, pity me, pity me!” In this quote, Abigail tried to flatter john while also disrespecting Elizabeth Proctor.
Even back when I was in high school students who were given F’s were usually just the students that either never came to class or those that were constantly rude towards teachers. Of course even as a student I never liked to see my fellow peers failing the
In Nella Larsen’s Passing, Irene Redfield and Clare Kendry show us a great deal about race and sexuality in the 1920s. Both are extremely light-skinned women of African-American descent. However similar they appear to be, their views on race, a very controversial issue at the time, differ significantly. Clare chooses to use her physical appearance as an advantage in America’s racist and sexist society, leaving behind everything that connects her to her African-American identity. She presents herself as an object of sexual desire, flaunting herself to gain attention. Irene is practically the opposite, deciding that she wants to remain with the label of being black. She is subtle with her
Universities and the NCAA make a lot of money off the likeness of college athletes, however these athletes get no form of physical compensation. The NCAA claims to be a nonprofit company, but in a reality they’re a multi-billion dollar industry that is comparable to professional leagues such as the NBA and NHL, due to their players’ ability to entertain and perform to their fullest extent at all times. Over the 9-month 2013-2014 NBA season, the league grossed $4.7 billion, with athletes averaging $5 million salaries. In contrast NCAA Basketball grossed $2 billion over a month long tournament. Despite this staggering figure, the athletes received no compensation. In 2011 the NCAA signed a historic television deal with CBS and Turner Broadcasting,
In “The F Word” written by Firoozeh Dumas an excerpt from her autobiography titled Funny in Farsi, she talks about her struggles living in America from having a very different name, to not understanding English very well. Dumas uses examples from her childhood and all throughout her life to explain why she feels Americans are ignorant to new and different things. The author would like her audience to be aware of other cultures, and their names and lifestyles. She feels Americans were not open to accept her culture and difference, and instead of embracing it, they made fun and insulted what they were unsure of. Based on the simplicity of words she uses, the mild tempered language she includes, and how relatable her
often loose their job and the chance to see and be seen by their family. In many cases
are left to cope with the loss of a life lived and to have a future overshadowed by the
Question #1: In 1835, Bassi showed that a fungus caused a silkworm disease, and in 1865 Pasteur discovered that a protozoan caused another silkworm disease. Why do we use Koch's postulates instead of Bassi's or Pasteur's postulates?
The test taking lessons have helped me learn more about having good strategies for a test. I feel that with these lessons learned I can have more confidence to take a test and pass it. In this report I want to show why test taking is an important skill to learn. I also wanted to describe how I have prepared for test in the past. I also wanted to discuss three strategies I have learned from the computer tutorial in class and how I have changed my study habits so I can do better on test.
Mistakes something that we all do. People are not perfect therefore we will all make mistakes many times in our life. But there are two types of people in the world's ones that will live up to their mistakes and accept that they did it so they can move on. And there are those that will never live up to the mistakes they made and they will never be able to move on. The only way to truly learn from a mistake is to accept that you made one. There have been many times in my life that I have messed up and made mistakes. Some very terrible some not so bad. But none of them never were as bad as this one but, what i learned from the mistake made it all worthwhile.
Ever gotten up in the morning and not wanted to wake up? Don’t worry, I completely understand what you are feeling. I absolutely despise waking up in the morning. Picture this: middle school kids trudging through school all day, then coming home to after school activities, and to top it all off sleeping late because of stress. Waking up early is a real struggle for most kids, and if you asked any kid I'm sure they’d agree to the terms of school starting later. People say that because of the time kids have to wake up, their brain doesn't function too well in classes, and they don’t really learn to much. I agree with this statement, because it is definitely true. I know I can’t stay awake in class when I sleep late and then have to wake up
Knowing I didn’t study, I held in my breath and closed my eyes as he handed me the three sheets of scribbles and sloppily circled answers. Slowly I opened my eyes and looked down at my grade, and there it was, 49%. My first failing grade. My cheeks turned as red as the sharpie the teacher used to mark my paper. Embarrassment and shame crashed over me. Page flip after page flip, I scanned my mistakes and then immediately shoved the papers into my folder. Other classmates were gawking at their success and I didn’t want them to see my failure. That grade haunted my mind for forever, it seemed.
This essay is an analysis and comparison of the trade patterns of China and India since 2000 and studies the effect of the regulating economic and national policies on the trade performance.