
Making An F On A Test Essay

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It is not some huge shocker that making an F on a test is seriously terrible. It not only affects a persons overall grade, but also affects ones perception of their own intelligence. Making an F on a test can make people feel depressive and furious, considering how badly it will affect their grade. However since there is nothing that can done about it, eventually we just accept our fate and move on with our lives. The same could be said about having to wake up in the morning. No “normal” people actually like the feeling of waking up in the morning; they just do it because it simply has to be done. When it comes to waking up in the morning there are several stages such as sadness, anger, and acceptance that most of us have to deal with. Sadness is the first wave of emotion to hit an individual when they have just failed a test. Struggling to comprehend the situation that has been placed before them, sadness creeps in and gives them an answer. The words “you just aren’t good enough”, or “you should have studied harder”, are all that one is left with. They are left empty and alone, with nothing to do but to cry …show more content…

People use this shower as a time to reflect on their life choices and to regret not going to bed at an earlier time. Usually a peoples anger stems from an internally bred hatred, caused from not sleeping enough, not waking up on time, or not preparing for the morning the night before. However this does not stop most people from lashing out on the closest living thing in their vicinity. This is also comparable to the feelings of anger when failing a test. It is in our human nature to deny any possibility of anything actually being our fault, (like failing a test). We simply blame it on our teachers, classmates, or even the weather. Finding an excuse is extremely easy: the hard part is accepting responsibility for the failed grade and not blaming it on

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