
Making Ethical Decisions

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Making ethical decisions is a complex process, involves morality and morality is relative this imply that never a decision is going to be completely right decision. This complex process involves three factors such as personal feelings, feelings can provide admirable behavior and people should follow their feelings but not every time also can lead to a really bad behavior this bring us that maybe to follow our feelings it is not correct at all when we are talking about making ethical decisions, the second one it is connect with the first one and is the individual conscience this is our sense if something is good or bad and it is more reasonable than the feelings; the third is the majority view involves cultural relativism, is to adopt a point …show more content…

To make the three judgment criteria easier to apply you should follow the three supplementary principles, the first one is the principle of priorities is use when obligations or ideals conflict, you need to determine which deserves to be the priority which is more important than the others; the second one is the principle of greater good/lesser evil argues that every action or choice is good or bad, when is good you have to choose the greater good and when is bad you have to choose the lesser evil; the last one is the principle that circumstances can alter cases is similar to moral relativism but the principle that circumstances can alter cases says that the character of an act is not affected by perspectives or feelings, this is the basis for many lines in the

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