
Malala Research Paper

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If I could ask Malala a series of questions my first enquiry would be, were you ever frightened about the fact you had public death threats written about you? I feel that Malala’s response to my question would be “of course I was scared, what 14yr old girl wouldn't be. I was frightened about the fact that I was seen as a public figure. Not just any public figure, but someone on a hit list. Knowing that I was speaking worldwide I couldn't show fear to my father. We had done too much to go back into hiding.” If I was in Malalas situation, I would act the same. I would be very frightened of the whole situation, but know I can't stop now. I would need to continue to help other girls as I have come to far. Besides of being strong towards my father I might wear my emotions on my sleeve. I would show a face that is full of worry and I would walk in fear. Another question I would ask is what made your fifteenth birthday different from the others? Malala's answer to this would be that “this recent birthday seemed like a turning point for her. It was a way of becoming a real woman. She knows that most girls become women in 14 but because so much was going on she didn't have time …show more content…

Her response to my question would be that “in that very moment I was overwhelmed. I had so many thoughts rolling through my head that day such as exams and friends. When they jumped on the back, I couldn't remember what happen. It happens all so fast I don't even remember them asking who is Malala? Or what school this is? I just knew something bad was gonna happen.” I feel if I was put in Malalas situation I would be a lot more frightened. I feel that so many thoughts would cross my mind because it seemed to happen so fast. I would definitely stand up and hand myself over so they wouldn't harm my friends. I feel that I would panic and can imagine the screams. It would be one those petrified moment. I can't imagine going through that, but I know I would act exactly like

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