
Malcolm Gladwell's The Trouble With Geniuses

Decent Essays

Intelligence has a limit, geniuses have a threshold, and divergent thinkers are our future. Malcolm Gladwell addresses these issues in the chapter “The Trouble with Geniuses, Part 1” and I have to agree with his reasoning. In the chapter, the Termites are a group of highly intelligent kids that Lewis Terman (hence the name Termites) keeps tabs on as they go through life. He believes that because these students have such high IQs that they will be boundlessly successful. However, it turns out that some are successful and some are not, and I believe the success of the Termites was partially based on personality. I know some highly intelligent people that truly enrich my life. They are passionate, and want to teach people what they know. However, I also know people with high IQs that are an absolute bore to interact with: they are unable to read social cues, and so will drone on and on about a topic that no one is interested in or listening to. In an interview, the latter would not …show more content…

GPA tests intelligence, while extracurricular activities teach characteristics of leadership, hard work, and dedication. A combination of all four of these attributes are important for success. As a future teacher, I understand that my students will be at all different levels of success. Some students will have pure raw intelligence, and some students will have more average IQs and be divergent thinkers. In a perfect world, a student would have both intelligence as well as divergent thinking. However, this is most definitely not a perfect world, and I believe divergent thinking is far more important than raw intelligence. It is ideal when a student can grasp a concept the way the teacher presents it; however, that is not always the case. It is important that the student can think creatively and (with the help of the teacher) come up with a way of understanding that works for that

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