
Malcom Case Study

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Malcom’s lack of guidance resulted into self indulging in common vices of the time. In a similar way that many historical figures hit a low point in life, Malcom was the same. He finds himself deep into money, women, drugs and that lands him eventually in jail. It all starts when he decides to move with his half-sister to Boston. Considering his Dad’s previous marriage where he fathered three children, Malcolm was the Seventh child on his Dad’s side (X and Haley, 2). These family ties explain why the successful Ella wouldn’t close her doors to Malcom, her younger brother on her father’s side. Very soon, Malcolm finds his way into various nightclubs in Boston. His grown physical appearance was to his advantage. He seemed much older than he was, put on flashy outfits …show more content…

Many factors such as the ripple effect on Malcom due to the prejudice and racial discriminations his parents experienced and the lack of support from his school teacher contributed to his lack of guidance that resulted into self indulging in common vices his time; Eventually, such erratic behavior lands Malcom in jail where He converts to the branch of Islam called the Nation of Islam. This religious group attracted many followers, especially in prisons, where lost African Americans like Malcolm, mostly looked for guidance. They preached adherence to a strict moral code and reliance on other African Americans and promoted separation from the white community. Integration was out of question; rather, the Nation of Islam wanted blacks to set up their own schools, churches, and support networks. When Malcolm X converted to Islam, Elijah Muhammad who happened to be the head of the NOI, soon recognized his capacities and made him a leading spokesperson for the Nation of Islam. Finally, Malcom had a fulfilled sense of purpose and he was surrounded by people who saw his true

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