
Male Laboree Injury Case Studies

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DOI: 11/20/2015. Patient is a 26-year-old male laborer who sustained injury while he was moving a 12 x 12 timber with a co-worker when the weight shifted to his end, causing him to fall backwards and the timber struck him. Per OMNI, he was initially diagnosed with right knee contusion.
MRI of the right knee without contrast performed on 12/10/15 revealed extensive contusion/nondisplaced fractures of the femur, tibia and fibular head, partial/subtotal tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and suprapatellar and intra-articular joint fluid. No acute medial or lateral meniscal tear is noted.
Based on the latest medical report dated 12/28/15, the patient reports right medial knee pain, described as aching and frequent. Associated symptoms

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