
Man For All Seasons

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The play, and film A Man For All Seasons, was based on a true story. The performance was created by Robert Bolt on July 1st 1960, and it was turned into a film that was released on December 12, 1966. The film was directed by Fred Zinneman, and edited by Eric Boyd-Perkins (Wikipedia, web.). The play and film focuses on Sir Thomas More, although there are many other important and interesting characters. Sir Thomas More plays the hero by being brave and sticking to his principles, even in the face of death. King Henry Vlll plays the villain who is only after what he wants, and he was determined to get it regardless of the damage and consequences of causing great harm to others. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was the in-between, to solve the Kings problems, to his own demise. After More resigned, Sir Thomas Audley took his place, and …show more content…

At that time, religion was very important. Also, religion and power seemed to go together. The sixteenth century was a time when people had morals and values, but of course there were some like King Henry that just wanted power and an airr, and he didn’t care how he got it. What the play says about the 16th century, is that the King was in charge most of the time, people didn’t have very many rights, they rarely had a lawyer, and trials were unfair. Basically the King had license to execute people if they disagreed with him. Sir Thomas More was loyal to the Catholic Church, while Henry Vlll maniputed the Church to reach his goals. More was brave, and he was willing to give up everything for his faith, and religious beliefs. He was willing to lose his position of power, suffer imprisonment, losing his family, and having his head cut off with a guillotine. More had so much faith in God that he was animate that when he died he would go to heaven, and it is possible that he thought he would be rewarded for his stance on the Catholic

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