
Man Thinking Rhetorical Analysis

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Emerson’s essay is extremely insightful and interesting. It brings to light the many adversities of the people of the community and “Man Thinking”. Emerson explains that the reason people people are afraid of certain concepts or action is that “Fear always springs from ignorance”. By bringing this concept to light he causes the reader to want to become “Man Thinking”, or, someone who thinks for themselves instead of being a puppet to society. His tone throughout the passage is persuasive and passionate about what it is to be the true “Man Thinking”. Throughout the essay Emerson uses many contradicting topics. Emerson explains “Man Thinking” as someone who comes up with their own thoughts and ways. However, in paragraph twelve he states that, …show more content…

In paragraph eight, Emerson explains that one of the influences on man is nature. The people and events of the time period can effect how a person thinks. The nature around Man Thinking can also be the society that the person is in. In society today, people tend to be put into groups. Emerson goes on to explain that the mind is “tyrannized over by its own unifying instinct”, meaning that people want to belong, and by wanting to belong, they change who they are so that they conform to the standards of society. Man Thinking is the person who steps out of the box that society has put them in and refuses to accept the role that they have been giving. Instead of accepting everything that people say and do, Man Thinking ask, “Why?”, while Delegated Thinking does the exact opposite. Delegated Thinking accepts everything, they do not step past the boundary. The little box that society has place them in remains intact. Man Thinking is the leader, they show the way and create new paths, not just for themselves, but for others, while Delegated Thinking follows the path, they look at it as the truth and the only way to get around the obstacle. An example of Delegated Thinking would be someone who drops out of school because society has lead them to believe that they cannot be successful in life. However, an example of

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