I don’t really have a favorite philosopher. However, I really do enjoy reading the writings of Aristotle and agree with some of his ideas. During his time period, Aristotle was known as "the man who knew everything". He was considered a master of many disciplines such as mathematics, metaphysics and logic to name a few. The Greek philosopher who basically forged scientific, systematic examination in pretty much all areas of human knowledge. The quote “Happiness depends upon ourselves”, to me this means that you don’t have to seek others in order to be happy. I believe that happiness is a choice that each person can choose for themselves. I agree with his idea that happiness includes both mental and physical well-being. Aristotle is usually
Being plausibly the most innocent and kind figure in the book, Eva contributes largely to the novel’s leitmotiv of propagandizing anti-slavery and love.
Aristotle’s characteristics of a Great-Souled man have been around for thousands of years and its aspects have been greatly altered as time passes. That virtue of a Great-Souled man seems applicable to modern world as it was in time of Aristotle. However, some of Aristotle ethics are not particularly applicable today. In modern world, things like accumulating wealth and writing million dollars worth of checks for donations, are more characteristic of a Great Souled-man. Though Jesus did not carry the traits of today’s Great-Souled man as described above, he remains in the hearts of millions today for his miraculous works.
According to Aristotle, happiness depends on the individual more than anyone else. (IEP) Aristotle defines happiness as the primary purpose of human life, and a goal in itself. He believed happiness depended on the development of virtue and was convinced that to have a happy life, a range of conditions needed to be met.
Modern attachment theory, which has now shifted to a regulation theory, takes Bowlby’s original work on attachment and looks at how early experiences, such as prenatal stress, optimal/suboptimal stress, and the mother’s ability to regulate the child’s needs, help the child form an internalized working model for attachment style due to the brain being an “experience-dependent organ” (Cozolino, 2010c; J. Schore & A. Schore, 2012).
Aristotle is a dichotomist, which means that he believes that human beings consist of two major elements, the body and the soul. The body is the physical matter that one can see, where the soul is the feelings and desires one has; the things you cannot touch. Aristotle believes that we have three major elements of the soul which are pleasures, desires, and feelings. These elements are where we find our virtues. In book one of The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discusses that virtue is the highest human good. This being said, there are two qualifications that the highest good must have, “The good must be something final and self-sufficient,” (Aristotle, 10). By final Aristotle means that which is in desirable in itself, and not sought for the sake of something else. By self-sufficient Aristotle means something that does not depend on other’s bestowing it. Aristotle gives us the sense that he believes that politics is about the human good and one cannot begin to practice politics or political science well; unless one has the idea of what the good actually is. In book one; with many arguments to support his theory, he tells the reader that the good is intellectual and moral virtue. One of his arguments is he believes that you need a moderate amount of both health and wealth to be able to fully develop the virtue. He sees these two aspects as a form of equipment because if one is constantly ill or does not have a sufficient amount of money there will be many obstacles in reaching
In 469 B.C. a man by the name of Socrates was born. Socrates was a very wise man that cared about doing the right thing. He believed that the best ways to develop ideas was in the give and take of conversation, and that the best way to educate people was to ask them a series of questions leading in a particular direction (now named “Socrates method). Socrates had been quick to identify the drawbacks of democracy, and he had also been the teacher of two men who in different ways harmed Athens: Alcibiades and Critias. Which made the parents of the children that Socrates had taught very upset and angry. Granting all this, it lead to the Trial of Socrates 399 B.C. During this trial Socrates expressed his view of death by using his question-and-answer method, for which he was famous for and what seemed to have gotten him in trouble. Socrates did not write so we have to depend on on what others wrote, and by doing that we now get to see the diverse ways people read and understand what was written about his speech. My chosen primary source, Socrates View on Death, is important, because it gives one view of Socrates speech while my outside source, Ancient Greece, gives a slightly more in depth view.
In Aristotle’s mind, the “supreme good” is what determines happiness. Aristotle recognizes that happiness centers towards our behavior and virtues, rather than luck. He believes that a person who develops these behaviors and habits is able to carry their misfortunes with balance and perspective, and therefore they can never be truly unhappy. All men agreed that happiness is to “live well”, but Aristotle furthers that statement into an entire lifestyle, not just a state of being. This is comparable to the Dalai Lama’s view on happiness.
Out of all the great philosophers who have lived and taught, none can match the genius that is Aristotle. He provided the foundations for medicine, mathematics, astronomy, and even came up with a scientific vocabulary that is still being used to this day. Furthermore, because of Aristotle’s influence on the western world, it’s not surprising that Europe had arguably some of the brightest minds of the time; minds like Strato of Lampsacus, Archimedes, and Peter Abelard. Without Aristotle’s tutelage, none of these men would’ve reached their full potential. Consequently, this could have thrown the very fabric of history and the world into an intellectual dark age much sooner and, which would’ve lasted much longer. Even the Platonic philosophers would not have been able to fill the void the absence of Aristotelian
Many people try to define and consider different definitions of what happiness is, and I think that Plato and Aristotle offer interesting views of happiness and what it means for one to live a good life. Both philosophers agree that happiness is an important factor in one’s life and essentially the essence of how to live a good life. Plato offers many theories and definitions of justice leading to happiness, while Aristotle argues that happiness is the main goal that all humans aim for in their entire life. Plato offers a philosophical view of a happy life for an individual by explaining a just state and what it would entail and also the theory of the forms that one must understand to achieve happiness. After learning about both
The definition of Honorable can be defined in many ways. But in this case it means to have high respect for that one person. To me it means to show respect for that person or that topic. Although he was not a scientist by today’s standards, science was one of the many things he studied during his time at school as a teacher. His study included the study of biology, marine biology and Meteorology. He studied in many fields of science. He was a big scientist of his time. (384-322BC) He is famous for his introduction to the scientific method and is also known for providing important term of science called ‘empiricism’. Aristotle composed over 200 works but only 31 survived. Although he never was rewarded with an award, there was an award named after him. During his childhood he lost his father at a young age. But that only made him strive for achievements. During his time he wrote many books on the human body. He wrote a book over 50 pages which may not sound like a lot now but back then it was huge.
There are many theories surrounding happiness, and the pursuit of happiness. Some believe that an external force must be present to bring about happiness, while others argue that happiness is individualized, and is completely up to a person's internal mindset of whether he or she is able to achieve and maintain happiness. Aristotle, a significant ancient Greek philosopher, believes that happiness requires an action. He affirms that there are many factors that play into someone's happiness; including materialistic things, which help support this state of being. His claim is that happiness is a holistic approach to life and must be achieved by living virtuously with moral character. Aristotle also indicates that happiness is not a moment in time, but rather a journey of exploration by way of living harmoniously, through a pursuit of achieving life’s goals and desires. He adds that a life of happiness is driven by virtue and emotions, which all play a role in achieving optimum happiness.
The death penalty is a widely discussed issue in the United States. Should the government still impose the death penalty for certain crimes? Or should the punishment be life imprisonment? This essay will discuss the different viewpoints on the death penalty and life imprisonment.
Number Two is the number of Plurality. Duality (or divisional plurality). Dualism, from the Latin word duo, which means "two" and it denotes a condition or a state of two parts. With Unity there is one word, one original, and one only essence, but it severs itself into two properties; two actions which are a kind of binary opposition where two related terms or concepts, which form a pair, are in opposition of their meaning toward one another. Therefore, we see in Nature, two opposites strictly defined as a contrasting pair, one against the other, such as: joy and sorrow, light and darkness, day and night, male and female, mortal and immortal, life and death, spirit and flesh. Both, as contasting elements, together producing all things. Thus from the odd, proceed both odd and even, making two distinct and
Aristotle was born in 382 BCE; he excelled in school and after graduation continued teaching at Plato’s academy. In 343 BCE, his work was noticed by King Phillip II of Macedonia who hired Aristotle to tutor his son Alexander, who would later become known as Alexander the Great (Mark, “Aristotle”).
Aristotle is an ancient Greek philosopher who has played a part in subjects such as mathematics and ethics. As a known student of Plato, Aristotle’s knowledge on various topics immensely affected people’s philosophical views. For Aristotle, his definitions of human happiness and a good life consist of being virtuous all throughout life. Happiness comes from being an overall good person; this is “the best way to lead a life and give it meaning” (Psychology Today). According to Aristotle, happiness is a continuing achievement. “Happiness is more a question of behavior and of habit—of ‘virtue’—than of luck; a person who cultivates such behaviors and habits is able to bear his