
Management Advisory Report : Information Systems Best Practices Framework

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Management Advisory Report
Information Systems Best Practices Framework
Date of completion: April 22, 2015

Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................................................................................3Background.......................................................................................................................3 Recommendations............................................................................................................3

The purpose of this report is to provide …show more content…

From the list above, it is easy to comprehend the failure points in a project. Factors like changing objectives, technology change, and top management change, when not handled appropriately, could lead to new issues in the project which could then hinder the progress already made by the team. Factors like poor planning, inadequate project management, and unrealistic deadlines can provide false expectations to team members. Proper planning is of prime importance as it is the first step towards successful completion of any project. Having multiple vendors and stakeholders needs a team skilled in people management and engagement to ensure that all vendors and stakeholders are informed of all changes.
The factors stated in the previous section contribute significantly towards the success or failure of IS projects as research states. The following best practices can improve the success rate of IS projects worldwide:
Best Practice 1: Executive Support
Access to appropriate top level management means access to top level views of the project. When managing complicated hierarchical IS projects, analysis of systems and their components can be daunting because of the sheer number of components involved.

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