Building Action Plan #1 - Final Reflective Essay Management, supervision, and evaluation of non-instructional personnel Introduction After careful review of my personal growth plan, one of the areas that I felt needed to master to become an effective leader, is the supervision of non-instructional personnel. Supervision of non-instructional personnel is as critical and valuable as instructional personnel to an educational leader. Qualified, effective, and efficient non-instructional staff plays a key role in sustaining positive school climate. The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments also reiterates that the school support staff plays an important role in fostering a positive and trusting relationship with students. The non-instructional personnel model positive behavior to students and support staff on many occasions. Process As an intern, I will learn the process of supervising non-instructional personnel, interviewing the school nurse, media specialist, custodian, and the attendance clerk. Furthermore, I will interview the building administrator to learn the process and importance of managing, supervising, and evaluation of non-instructional personnel. The interview consists of the introduction, challenges, and what the employee enjoys most as a professional. Additionally, each interviewer was asked about the process and acceptance of evaluation procedures followed by the school district. Finally the administrator was interviewed to discuss about
3. Describe two methods that you can use to calculate postage charges for mail and / or packages. [2.3]
When asked what were the most challenging issues in supervision, Ms. Lord stated that dealing with personality differences, supervisee resistance, and training management were issues that stood out the most for her. Ms. Lord described herself as a team player who will do what is necessary to serve her students so if she needs to stay at work later than normal, perform tasks that aren’t necessarily in her job description, etc. that is what she will do. She
While true friendship can weather the storm, superficial friendships can change with the seasons. In the short story “Hunters in the Snow” by Tobias Wolff, a trio of men go on a hunting trip in the snow that ends abruptly when Tub shoots Kenny and they have to drive to the hospital. On their way there, Frank and Tub stop a few times, and they begin to talk and learn more about each other, all the time becoming less concerned with Kenny. These talks bring them closer while the snow outside dies away. The snowy setting is a symbol for being cold and distant to one another, drawing attention to the message that superficial relationships are not as strong as real ones.
As principal of TWH, I feel it is vital to keep the urgency focused on academics. It is my belief that if we set students up for challenging and engaging classroom instruction, discipline issues will start to lessen. However, my teachers will feel supported and respected, and that will be communicated regularly to our students and school community. “…leaders treat others fairly, equitably, and with dignity and respect—and they establish the expectation that others in the school community act in a similar manner” (Murphy, 2006).
The Seven Basic Beliefs about Guidance help teacher’s to establish effective guidance practices by identifying effective guidance strategies that are developmentally and culturally appropriate, based on respectful and supportive relationship with children. The three dimensions Positive Climate, Teacher Sensitivity and Regard for Student Perspective of the Emotional Support Domain relate to The Seven Basic Beliefs about Guidance because they both support teachers by providing specific teaching practices to help children develop warm, supportive relationships, experience enjoyment and excitement about learning” (Pianta et al., 2008. p.2). In the chart below I will discuss the correlation between The Seven Basic Beliefs about Guidance and the Emotional Support Domain.
For the past few years the Prairie Spirit School Division has included, in its staffing of schools, a percentage of time for each school devoted to staff growth. A learning facilitator, or in some cases learning facilitators, is appointed in each school to use the time devoted to staff growth. The position of learning facilitator can lead to a shift in the organizational structure of the schools in the division. While the position is not one of authority, or pay increase, the introduction of a new position where one works closely with staff to facilitate growth creates an unofficial leader who works along side the administration team. The learning facilitator is tasked to not only facilitate growth but also to promote the directives of the
What do I think about positive guidance? In my opinion, positive guidance simply means to guide many children’s behavior throughout the school day from using acceptable behaviors, modeling empathy and respect, and creating suitable rules and routines in the classroom. Why positive guidance is important in the classroom for me as a teacher? As a teacher, positive guidance is important in the classroom for me because I want to give the students a fun but a more structured learning environment, becoming authoritative when communicating with my students, and establishing teamwork sessions in my classroom with my students. In ECD 105, I have learned why guidance and classroom management is important and how to use it appropriately in the classroom. Taking this guidance and classroom management class was so important to me because you get to learn all kinds of information about positive child guidance and child development. How can I use social competence to develop positive relationships for students in my classroom? As the children’s teacher, I will plan to use social competence to develop positive relationships for my students in my classroom from helping them to gain their confidence, becoming socially competent, and teaching them how to get along with their friends at school. What do I need to know as an educator to know about social competence? As an educator, I need to know of how challenged I can be when I am educating students of a high level of literacy to meet the demands of an internationally global society. How can I plan to establish a positive teacher-student relationship with my students in the classroom? As the students’ teacher, I will plan to establish a positive teacher-student relationship my students because I will need to get on the child’s level to make an interaction with them face to face, listening to them and also have them to listen to others around them. How can I build a community with my students in my classroom? In my classroom, I want to be able to build a community with my students from learning my students’ names, having classroom discussions and meetings, using positive touch, being fully conscious, and establishing rules and routines for students to know the expectations in my
What is poetry? According to the 47 Essential Poetry Terms, poetry is “abstract language.” There are multiple ways of exploring the abstractness of poetry. One is DIDLS, touching upon the areas of Diction, Imagery, Details, Language, and Sentence Structure. Another is TPCASTT, which touches upon Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shift In Attitude, Revisitation of the Title, and Theme. The last one is the aforementioned 47 Essential Poetry Terms, 47 devices that describe various occurrences found in poetry. The 3 poems that will be examined in this in this essay. Alliteration, Couplet, and Personification reflect the three most prominent poetry devices found in Holy Sonnet 10, Macavity The Mystery Cat, and The Sunshine Kid.
My passion for teaching will continue from a different perspective now. One gain from the supervision cycle is that I now place a higher value on listening and discussing with teachers. I often would ask myself if being a principal is what I want to be, but this great experience has confirmed for me that helping others and seeing them grow is my passion. Glickman, Gordon, and Gordon-Ross (2014) define the clinical supervision cycle as assistance for the enhancement of teaching and learning (Glickman et al., 2014, p. 9). The goal of clinical supervision is to foster teachers’ learning skills, improving instruction and student learning. Therefore, I do want teachers to feel I am there to support them in all aspects through the collaboration based on their individual needs. This experience makes me think that I will always be a teacher and I will always be a learner with teachers; the same way teachers work with students. I want them to be open with me so that together we can implement changes in the least restrictive way possible. I look forward to practicing the clinical supervision cycle with teachers the coming year. I have enjoyed and learned so much in this experience, but one thing stays in my heart is the fact that teachers aim for constructive feedback, this allows many positive opportunities. As I listened to Ms. Aguilar during the post conference, I realized that feedback provides a foundation for a positive teacher- supervisor relationship. By providing appropriate feedback, the teachers understand that the supervisor is genuinely concerned about their growth. This component also enhances a teachers’ self-efficacy and provides an avenue for motivation. The ultimate goal of supervision is for teachers to improve their knowledge and skills in order to make schools a more efficient and effective learning community for all
Early in our nation's history, white settlement of the Americas began a long-standing tradition of misunderstanding and hostility between Native American tribes and United States society. Intercultural communication barriers lent themselves to assumptions and intolerance, which led to warfare, bloodshed, and the eventual destruction of an entire culture's traditional ways of life. Today, stereotypical representations of the "cowboys and Indians" of the 1800s continue to perpetuate hurtful misconceptions that further thwart attempts at understanding between the cultures. One motion picture, released almost two decades ago, served to demonstrate how a thoughtful, respectful approach across cultural boundaries might have resulted in a more
Everyone is responsible for developing positive relationships with parent and the community. This would include the administrators, certified teachers, teaching aides, secretaries, custodians, maintenance, and bus drivers. As in the video the principal talked about how it is important to make sure that all the staff felt like they were part of the team and was aware of what was happening in the school. The community sees any employee of the school district to be a trusted individual that should be able to explain and talk about what the school is doing. It is important for an administrator to have an open relationship with all staff where they feel like they can have input on decisions about school issues. No matter what their job title is they should feel like they are an integral part of the team. This in turn will allow all school employees to feel comfortable developing that positive relationships with the parents and community.
The benefit of becoming a school administrator will allow me to touch the lives of many students to help them achieve their life’s goals. I will be responsible in motivating staff and holding them accountable while implementing school-improvement strategies such as using data to identify and plan for needed changes in the instructional programs, which is equally important in meeting the goal. I will have involvement in setting educational standards, goals, establishing policies and procedures to enforce discipline, evaluate curricula, teaching methods, and to comply
A final category is collegial which should be the ideal type of school for the success of all the stakeholders at the school. This type of school climate is more student focus and promotes the professional developments for all of the stakeholders at the school. This type of school encourages all stakeholders to participate and work as a team to accomplish a goal. This type of school promotes student success because it provides the students’ school culture in which they are encouraged to take risk without the fear of failure. The leader works as a team with her staff to inspire both them and the students to do their best. The leader
“There is an unequivocal correlation between student achievement and teacher quality.” Direct supervision and evaluation of teachers should effectively address teacher quality, and thereby effect student learning and achievement. Bret Range, an associate professor of educational leadership at the University of Wyoming has written two papers and maintains a blog related to teacher supervision. His research indicates, “the key to teacher development lies within well-planned teacher supervisory activities.”
Being in education, every position somehow helps or assist students some kind way. Whether it be the cafeteria worker, counselor, teacher, nurse, member of administration, School Resource Officer, cleaning technician (also called custodian or janitor), or paraprofessional, everyone has similar outlooks if they work closely with children. Their interaction and their perception of the adolescents will vary. The interviewees include: Jerome Stevenson (Assistant Principal), Chelsea Harris (School Nurse), George Garrison and Katrina Carlos, (special education instructors), LaKendrick Jones (Business Education Teacher), and Kevin Ware (School Counselor).