Manager Vs Entrepreneur Two sides of a coin Who is Who?
Table of Content
Introduction Page 4
Theory Page 6
Analysis Page 8
Conclusion Page 11
References Page 13
There must be hundreds of millions companies in the world. Either they are small family businesses ,or small local shops ,or big national firms, or international corporations, either they are new players in the market or they have already been established as a brand, either they are successful or not, they all have something in common, they are ‘driven’ by someone who is in charge and makes the decisions.
Who is this someone, what are his
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According to Wikipedia: * Entrepreneur: is an enterprising individual who builds capital through risk and/or initiative. This term first appeared in the French Dictionary “Dictionnaire Universal de Commerce”. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to a person who is willing to help launch a new venture or enterprise and accept full responsibility for the outcome. -In Greece we use the term “επιχειρηματίας” (businessman), as a translation to entrepreneur, to describe a person who run a company, small or big, in his own and he has the responsibility for every decision. Otherwise we are talking for an employee and his position/title in his company, either he is a low level employee or a senior executive.- * Mamager: is a person who gets people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. The act of management comprises planning, organizing, staffing,leading or directing, and controlling an organization( a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources. Since organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to
An Entrepreneur is a person who forms and operates a business. Entrepreneurs form and start companies by themselves, or with partners. Most of the time companies which are started by entrepreneurs are relatively small in size, but some grow into huge corporations, such as Microsoft which is owned by Bill Gates. Entrepreneurs have four different options when starting a business, which include a sole proprietorship, Partnership, limited liability company, and also a corporation. Each form has its advantages and also disadvantages depending on what the type of business is, and also what service it provides.
Some dictionaries define an entrepreneur as “a person of very high aptitude who pioneers change, possessing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population,” and it originates from “entreprendre” in French which means “to undertake”(A Definition). Others define an entrepreneur as “a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.”(Definition of Entrepreneur). I believe that it’s not only risk and money that makes an entrepreneur who they are, but it is also about the talent as well as the desire to want to change something in a positive way. I use this definition to decide who is a greater entrepreneur, Dr. Dre or George Washington?
Throughout my life I have always been thrilled by hockey but more specifically i have
Entrepreneurs, individuals who come up with an plan in means of profit while knowing the risks that comes along. however, in adam smith time(1723-1790), the definition of an entrepreneur was different it was an “ individual purusing his or her own good to achieve the best good for all”. Those individuals led by the “invisible hand” would provide
Entrepreneur (Noun) = A person who organized or rule the business. (I rather choose to be an entrepreneur than a proletariat. 13. Mechanization (Noun) =
An entrepreneur is the one that takes on all risk, the financing failure and criticism. The entrepreneur has to pitch their product, promote the product and put all the hard work in making sure the consumer knows about their product all while usually working a fulltime job as well. The entrepreneur needs a solid plan but also needs to be able to make changes to this plan if needed. Meaning if someone was asked about funding the project and decided if you could make 20 units of the product by a deadline and sell all 20 to this type of group to be able to get
It is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is more often than not, initially a small business, offering a product, process, or service for sale or hire. It is outlined because the recognition of opportunities (needs wants, problems, and challenges) and the use or creation of resources to implement innovative concepts for brand-new thoughtfully planned ventures. Maybe this is often obvious; however, a businessperson could be a one who engages within the method of entrepreneurship (Pedraz, 2014).
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture ( Even though this is the definition of an entrepreneur, there are also many other attributes that are missing. As an entrepreneur you must have a wide variety of traits which can not only help you in creating ideas but improve them as well. Risk taking and leadership are only a few of the many characteristics you should possess. However, the one trait that is a necessity in anything you do is passion. Without it not only will you become bored with your work, but you will have less of a chance of becoming successful. One film that shows this passion and dedication is "Men of Honor" starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Robert
By definition, an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on greater than normal financial risk to do so. Unfortunately, this definition does not take into consideration the difference between a founder entrepreneur and a manager entrepreneur. A founder entrepreneur has more effectual reasoning skills and organizes the business in its early stages while a manager entrepreneur has more causal reasoning skills and who operates a more mature business. Most successful entrepreneurs posses both causal and effectual reason skills. However founder entrepreneurs have more well developed effectual reasoning skills while manager entrepreneurs have more well developed causal reasoning skills.
An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture. Giorgio Armani is a perfect example of a modern entrepreneur, who became very successful in the fashion industry. Armani is estimated to be worth around 2 Billion (US) dollars.
Management in business and human organization activity, in simple terms means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. Management comprises planning, organizing, ->resourcing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.
The concept of entrepreneur can be well understood by Dr. APJ Kalam’s portrayal of entrepreneur mentioned below:
business and is willing to take full accountability for their success or failure. An intrapreneur, on
An entrepreneur is defined as a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Perhaps one of the most successful and admired entrepreneurs to this day is Oprah Winfrey. From TV-shows to movies, magazines, and books, she has managed to conquer it all and become one of the most well-known and powerful people in the entertainment industry.
Here the entrepreneur is involved in every aspect of the business, ranging from staff communications, customer relationships and up to the supplier and always sees that all the interactions with all stakeholders’ yields good positive results which will make his business a success. The entrepreneur oversees all the points of contacts so that all results in maintaining the warm relationship with those that bring business to the enterprise.