Focus Group
There are several ways of conducting information sections to gather responses that would help manage a project from start to finish(Rennekamp & Nall, 2009). Different people use different approaches to gather information but the cost-effective approach would be an emerging trend known as Focus Group Interview(Willis, Green, Daly, Williamson, & Bandyopadhyay, 2009).
Focus Group can be defined as a group of individuals brought together, led by a moderator or a facilitator, to gather specific information from the interactions of the group about an subject(Marczak & Sewll). The motive behind this process is that, the individuals in the group can express and elucidate their views in a very simple manner(Sim, 1998) on a very
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• Individuals with past experience with the issue under discussion or questioning
• The number of participants ideal for the interview
Selection of participants can be done through nominations, volunteering, random selection and so on. Normally, moderators would use which of the criteria applies to the task under study.
Once the selection has been completed, the moderator calls the participants-to-be to confirm their participation and later send them an email to be sure of their attendance.
Moderator Selection and Role
Selecting a moderator who is capable of handling the affairs of the focus group is a very tedious task(NOAA, 2009). Normally people think the task of a moderator is not difficult. The fact is, to be a moderator, there are certain skills like time management, leadership and flexibility that would enable the effectiveness and control of the group.
The moderator should be someone who can listen with great intent and show emotional intelligence when necessary.
The role of the moderator is to welcome all participants, assist them in filling up pre-group paperwork and assist with name tents if any. The moderator has the responsibility of balancing the inputs and outputs from the
1. Control: I feel that most players do not like it when people break rules (Hacks, Advertising, etc.) and that group of individuals includes me. I strongly dislike people who do these things frequently and on purpose, and I hope that I can rid the server of these types of people while also warning the spammers, capital user 's, inappropriate users, etc. Overall, I feel that havoc mc needs some more moderators that are willing to help the server be more controlled and safe for regular users, and to be better and cleaner overall. I feel that I would be a good candidate for this job because I would love to provide these effects for the server while working with other mods and admins cooperatively.
The focus group (a less formal forum) included a medical doctor, two residents, two community members, two family members of the residents, nurses, director of nursing, the administrator, a member of the board of the directors, an IT specialist and human resource personnel. A focus group is a specialized group interview in which group members are not told exactly what the interviewer wants to
Flexible and inexpensive, focus groups consist of six to ten participants (Hartman, 2004, p. 408). Additionally, a moderator guides the discussion among its panel members that allows researchers to observe real-time verbal responses and nonverbal cues (Hartman, 2004, p. 402; Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 160). Focus groups moderators also have the ability to introduce new ideas to gain a greater understanding of concerns from respondents (Hartman, 2004, p. 402). However, a concern with focus group is the lack of anonymity due to the face-to-face participation.
Proposed research methods are focus group and internet survey. The focus group method would enable researchers to collect multiple opinion about influence factors from candidates. On the other hand, the internet survey method could reach a large group of respondents cost-effectively and would be especially suitable to young adults as they spends the most time
Focus groups can be an excellent way to collect data and be able to identify if the interventions have an effect on the clients (Stringer, 2007). I’m interested
Grace, who was the main participant of interest, was heavily involved in the TTR group and was extremely reflective about her research process, and these were the reasons why she was chosen (Vetter, 2012). Melissa, Holly, and Gail on the other hand were practitioners in K-12 public schools and/or postsecondary education and all graduate students at the university (Vetter, 2012). The facilitator, who was also a participant, was also a practitioner. They were therefore correctly selected out of convenience, which is justified because focus groups are usually small and therefore, it is necessary for the researcher to select participants who are in the best position possible to give the right information, which may be impossible for randomly selected
The focus group will meet on Wednesday, July 11th from 6-8 pm at the Winston Salem Central Library. This is a public setting and central to all areas of the community. Light refreshments will be provided, and the room arranged to facilitate conversation (University of Massachuetts, nd).
I believe the focus group research will yield informative data because the participants are experienced individuals that have knowledge of the software program. This method reduces the required time it takes to obtain information by focusing on the topic, therefore making it very direct. It provides an intimate setting for individuals to encourage participation. Individuals have a tendency to feel more comfortable when they are around others that share similar experiences. Although personal bias and disagreements may arise, focus groups provide a good starting point and other methods can be used to eliminate bias. The first method is to ask questions. Questions pertaining to the software, hardware, training, troubleshooting, etc would be helpful
Focus group is a group interview. The group is made up of people with the same characteristics and ask them questions about something or someone. The response they give will be recorded and use as reference when making a decision.
To my understanding the idea behind the focus group method is that group processes can help people to explore and clarify their views in ways that would be less easily accessible in a one to one interview. Group discussion is particularly appropriate when the interviewer has a series of open ended questions and wishes to encourage research participants to explore the issues of importance to them, in their own words, generating their own questions and pursuing their own priorities. When group dynamics work well the participants work next to the researcher, taking the research in new and often unexpected directions.
My focus group will be highschool and college students with an emphasis on those who are in the junior class of both institutions. I will take a small sample of each student group and the educators who are responsible for them. I initially
Focus groups are a prominent method of enquiry, regularly used within the field of social science and in particular, qualitative research. The focus group practice involves a number of participants having an open discussion on a specific topic, set by a researcher. The researcher acts as a moderator to aid discussion by using probes to collect desirable data. This process is recorded and transcripts are used to interpret and analyse given information.
Therefore, such selection should not withhold members from feeling insecure and should freely allow each individual to express themselves and contribute to the team. A possible method of selecting task members is to concentrate on the main focuses and including the possible leaders of each focuses. By doing so, these should be the most knowledgeable personnel in the organization whom is most familiar with the area and would be the best candidate to contribute. However, often times this may mean that
A Focus group is defined as a research technique that collects data through a group interaction, on a given topic from the researcher. Along with this definition are some essential components. Firstly, it states that, focus groups are research methods devoted to data collection. Secondly, it signifies the interaction of group discussion as a source of data. Lastly, it acknowledges the active role of researchers in establishing the group discussion in order to collect data (David, 1996.p.130).
First is focus group method, focus group is defined as a group of individuals providing information in a structured format. A moderator leads the group of about 8 to 14 participants through an open, in-depth discussion rather than simply asking questions to solicit participants’ responses. The group is stimulated by comments from other group members in creatively conceptualizing and developing a new