
Managing Change of British Petroleum Essay

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managing change in british petroleum


* A view of British Petroleum

* A brief description of BP incident in the Gulf of Mexico.

* Critical Evaluation of Potential changes that may take place in BP

* Evaluation the importance of change and Potential problems when implementing change

* Evaluation the effectiveness of BP strategy for managing change within the organisation

* Conclusion

* A view of British Petroleum

British Petroleum also known as BP Amoco is one of the largest petroleum industries located primarily in London. It is regarded as one of the top four petroleum and oil petroleum firms and establishment in the global market. BP plc (British Petroleum) is an …show more content…

Efforts by multiple ships to douse the flames were unsuccessful. After burning for approximately 36 hours, the Deepwater Horizon sank on the morning of 22 April 2010. As a result, the drilling riser running from the wellhead on the ocean floor up to the oil rig was destroyed. 24 April, Landry announced that a damaged wellhead was indeed leaking oil into the Gulf and described it as "a very serious spill". BP has not given a cause for the explosion. According to the US Congressional investigation the rig's blowout preventer, a fail - safe device fitted at the base of the well, built by Cameron International Corporation, had a hydraulic leak and a failed battery, and therefore failed. * Spill flow rate
To date, almost 116,000 claims have been submitted and more than 67,500 payments have been made, totalling $207 million. The cost of the response to date amounts to approximately $3.95 billion, including the cost of the spill response, containment, relief well drilling, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid, and federal costs. On June 16, BP announced an agreed package of measures, including the creation of a $20 billion fund to satisfy certain obligations arising from the oil and gas spill. * Spill area
Offshore oil and gas in the US Gulf of Mexico is a major source of oil

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