
Managing International Talent Essay

Better Essays

The European Building Materials Company (EBMC) utilizes a highly decentralized human resource approach. As such, the decision-making authority is moved to the lower tiers of the organization leaving very little to the small human resource staff at the head quarter. However, the organization should consider changing the approach to a centralized one. This would mean that most of the decisions would be made by the higher level of the organization’s hierarchy and as a result the organization would enjoy various improvements which include:
The centralized approach of management will bring uniformity in the company’s way of conducting business. This is because there are fewer centers of power unlike in the decentralized approach …show more content…

This involves all the subsidiaries and branches applying marketing strategies coming directly from the senior members of staff. With a harmonized marketing strategy the organization would be able to give a harmonized marketing message to the consumer. For instance, when the European Building Material Company markets their products in different regions, the marketing strategy needs to be one so as to avoid contradiction and thus confusing the consumer (Adam, 2007).
Polycentric staffing approach
The European Building Material Company tends to favor a polycentric staffing approach with high utilization of host country nationals. Thus, the organization treats each subsidiary as a separate national entity with a big percentage of individual decision making authority and permission to hire the host country nationals as managers. This is practiced because the managers have the capability to translate the foreign guide programs to be compatible with the culture of their employees. But here are some disadvantages of polycentric approach as discussed below.
Career mobility The organization’s practice of polycentricism leads to immobility of career from one region to another. This is because the policy insists on hiring the host country’s national thus the employees have a little chance of being promoted to another subsidiary in a different region. As a result the employees are less motivated or go to

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