
Managing Sales Workforce Diversity

Better Essays

August 2012


Volume 2, Issue 8

ISSN: 2249-1058



Dr. Meenakshi Handa* Ms. Jyoti Kukreja**

Abstract The relevance of sales personnel in any organization has forever been unquestioned as they deliver the ultimate quality of buying experience to the end consumer. Unfortunately though, their position is still devoid of respect that it on an average deserves. The low vocational esteem fructifies the need for developing the need for enhancing their self-concept. Salespeople who lack motivation deliver only sub-optimal performance. The objective of this paper is to address …show more content…

But what the effective mangers usually tend to ignore is that it is not that different groups have diverse needs but each group exists on multiple-needs format subjected to situations, changing relationships, etc. The Gallup Management Consulting Group has identified four general personality types: the Competitor, the Achiever, the Ego-Driven, and the Service-Oriented. The Competitor: For this category of sales personnel, ‗win/win‘ approach does not hold any meaning, the underlying implication remains on the basis of ‗win/lose‘ only. But for
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International Journal of Marketing and Technology 216

August 2012


Volume 2, Issue 8

ISSN: 2249-1058

__________________________________________________________ the lucid and ethical understanding of the connotation of ‗winning‘ and ‗competition‘ is significant. Organize contest to mark the level of competition in the organization and to inculcate the ‗spirit of dare‘. When the fight for being the best is fierce the awards should be in grandiose. IBM 's main contest is its Golden Circle program, which recognizes the top ten percent of its sales force

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