Managing Technology
Technology, Information Technology included, have changed our lives in so many ways. It changed how we recorded our thoughts into written words, how we communicate with one another, how we shop, bank, how we keep our memories, most aspect of our lives. It significantly changed the manufacture industry and touched almost every single industry.
The first computer was invented in 1939 by Hewlett-Packard in a garage in Palo Alto, California. It was mostly used in military/government and universities/science lab. It took 40+ years for the first personal computer to be created by IBM (1981). The first personal computer (PC) ran on a 4.77 Mhz Intel 8088 microprocessor [1]. After that computer world has advanced
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Converged infrastructure is semi-pre-built, preconfigured using reference architecture. It is like cookie cutter. It not just saves power and datacenter space, but also save time to rack and stack, cable, and configure each component. Since it comes as one unit, it also offers one management console to manage all three components, hence save time on managing all three components.
Information Technology (IT) increases productivities, enables many capabilities to businesses such as online store, work from anywhere, but not without some significant cost. The cost of IT is like an iceberg. The cost of acquiring new software, hardware, and IT personnel are just the top of the iceberg. What hidden are the costs of managing those assets, including but not limit to, securing, upgrading, refreshing those assets, and how to quickly implement changes to adapt to the changes of hardware and software.
At the height of its success in camera film business, Kodak employed 140,000 employees and had a market value of $28 billion. Kodak filed bankruptcy (chapter 11) in 2012 after years of struggling to restructure to adapt to an increasing digital world. Kodak failed not because it missed the digital age. It actually created the first digital camera in 1975. It failed because instead of marketing the new technology, the company held back for fear of hurting its own cash cow film business, even well after digital products were reshaping the market [4]. Digital world
The technology is the revolution to all industries it takes a wide variety of services into every industry in one way or the other, from cell phone service to software services, to medical services such as imaging to electronically medical records are just to name a few items on how technology has expanded and used every day.
Technology and science has a major impact on our daily lives, especially cell phones and the Internet. People everywhere take for granted the technology that they have access to everyday, and they would not know what to do without it because they rely on it for almost every aspect in their life. Christopher Columbus would have made it to India if he was able to utilize the technology society is so accustomed to
Over the years technology has become more advanced and it has become a big part of our everyday life. Technology has played some big roles in education, medicine, agriculture, communication,safety, and the economy.While technology has become a big part of our life it has caused some bad side effects in jobs, communication, education, agriculture, and safety.
The first desktop all-in-one personal computer was the HP 9830 (1972) the first known PC was IBM’s 5150 introduced in 1981. The PC was known for its CUI , it required the Disk Operating System (DOS) to operate it and it offered a broad list of business software solution such as word processors, spreadsheets, calendars etc.
How is Technology changing the world? Technology has been rapidly changing and expanding in every field imaginable. There is no doubt that technology holds the future and that technology makes life easier. If you go back 50-100 years from now there were jobs back then that we currently do not have. Advances in technology bring us this new way of life that all we do is count on this technology.
O’Brien, J., Marakas, G. (2011). Management of Information Systems. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Retrieved from
Thomas Sowell discussed that Kodak was a leading film maker in 20th century, but was suppressed by the sales of digital camera three year after the year 2000. The new innovation of digital camera technology caused Kodak to become bankrupt. Although, even if the bankruptcy of Kodak caused losses like lay-offs, and smaller production of goods at a lower quality, there are benefits to bankruptcies. One benefit of bankruptcy is the government can shut down a business when the business cannot pay off its debt, which stops the use of resources that is not benefiting the economy. For example, when digital camera innovations made Kodak cameras obsolete, Kodak sales dropped and the company acquired debt. This
Both Kodak and Fujifilm are companies that focused on photography and imaging as their core businesses. Despite Kodak having an upper hand of starting earlier than Fujifilm, 1888 compared to 1934, Fujifilm adapted more to market changes and currently still has a force to reckon. Kodak is currently in bankruptcy protection since January 2012 under Chapter 11 with a bid to try and reconfigure its business strategies.
While Kodak has historically been a well-established brand name in the marketplace, it struggled to find a niche when the industry morphed from a film-based market to a digital-based market. Kodak has struggled to successfully evolve its film-based business structure to the new structure of digital-based technology, which has allowed for competitors to enter the market, decreasing Kodak’s market share. Competitors (such as Canon Inc., Fuji Photo Film Co., Hewlett Packard Co., Nikon, and Sony Corp.) have posed major threats to Kodak’s livelihood. Kodak faces a 5% drop in film sales (2001-2003) and a 3% reduction in overall revenues over the same time period. In addition, revenues and net income are expected to be fairly flat (or decrease) in future estimates. Kodak faces much pressure to revitalize their business through digital imaging, a radical innovation, or risk being eaten alive in an industry they thought they controlled.
Technology has made a big difference in our society such as communication, work, education, and entertainment in good and bad ways. Some people say that technology has made life better with the internet, cell phones and other devices. While others say technology has been making life worse because people are becoming lazy and replace their lives with technology every day. Technology surrounds almost everyone in modern society and it affects our lives in many ways.
The first ever computer was invented in the 1820s by Charlse Babbage. However the first electronic digital computer were developed between 1940 and 1945 in the United States and in the United Kingdom. They were gigantic, originally the size of a large room, and also need to be supply a large amount of power source which is equivalent as several hundred modern personal computers. The history of computer hardware covers the developments from simple devices to aid calculation, to mechanical calculators, punched card data processing and on to modern stored program computers. The tools or mechanical tool used to help in calculation are called calculators while the machine operator that help in calculations is called computer. At first the
This paper will discuss the processes and pitfalls faced by Information Technology managers in today’s world of business. Today’s IT managers need not only be savvy about existing equipment and upcoming technology; but must also understand the budget issues they face and how to properly address them. The IT manager is asked to look into a crystal ball and predict what products will be beneficial and which requirements can be cut from the budget. They must be able to differentiate between the new shiny fad and products that will be a true asset to the company’s visions and goals. An IT budget can no longer be a static number on the company’s finance sheet; it must be a clear vision of the department’s future spending while falling in line with the goals and expectations of the company.
On a daily basis, both businesses and individuals rely on technology. It cannot be denied that technology has become part of our everyday life. As individuals, we all depend on technology, either for education, health purposes, transportation, communication, romantic relationships, and/or business growth . It is impossible to explore how each advancement in technology has impacted our lives as well as how it will impact the future, but we can briefly explore the major advancements. Technology impacts the environment, people individually, and the society as a whole.
On November the 4th of this year, after approximately three years under a Chapter 11 bankruptcy decree; Kodak finally was able to post a profit on their earning, and the company expects to fetch a year ending revenue of $2.1 - $2.3 billion dollars (Armental). After many missed opportunities that occurred under a myopic bureaucratic leadership; the Eastman Kodak Company filed for protections from their credits, and began what will be a slow journey back to financial health. But, the decent into this failure started more than thirty-five years ago, when the company failed to develop the technology that Kodak 's Research and Development had invented.
Technology has created shortcuts in working and made tasks easier to accomplish. Technology may have caused our life to be faster but it made it easier also. Phones, vehicles and computers are all physical examples that contributed abundantly towards the life of our people. With technology, transportation has increased significantly. We don’t have to walk to go