
Managing Time On Track With Sponsors

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Summary: In present world requirements are changing drastically and that is the main reason for failure of many IT projects. Earlier companies used to follow traditional project management ways like water fall model to handle the projects. But as requirements are changing very frequently, we need to be ready to act quickly to changes in the requirements in order to keep project on track with sponsors’ requirements. We need to focus on following areas in order to close the project successfully. Control Scope: Project scope gives complete information about what are the requirements and expectations of project and based on budget, resources and time line, what all we can requirements we can fulfill. Manage Costs: Delivering project on time …show more content…

The main risk is the gap between user requirements and developers’ understanding. Project manager will take care to bridge the gap to ensure all are on same page. Also project manager along with team should always be ready to accept changes and should react quickly to the changes. Communicate With Stakeholders: Right from initial phase till closing of the project, project manager should communicate with project stake holders on regular basis and should give updates about the progress of the project. Close the Project: Once the project is implemented successfully, project manager should document the whole project right from initial phase to final phase. This document will be very helpful to understand the risks involved in the project, how to communicate with stakeholders etc. which will help to select right project later Introduction to Agile development: Software development is a field where developers thrive to provide products faster, better and very inexpensive methods. “Agile Development” term used for several iterative and incremental software development methodologies. Each agile method is unique in its approach, they all impart a typical vision and core attributes. As matter of fact all the methods are fundamentally incorporate with each other and having a review system provides successive ways to enhance, refine and deliver a software system. The below figure represents the steps followed in agile development

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