Right off the bat, Marci had a rough go of it learning about Managua, particularly that most of the city lacked addresses. Managua was an entire city, known by locations and directions on how to get to a particular point by referencing another well known point. Sort of the way Americans once said, “It’s down just past the big red barn, the road just past the white mailbox will take you up there.” That’s how everything was found in Managua. Glaring out the window, still in a state of confusion about her husband’s demeanor, the taxi passed a group of filthy young boys, seated on a soiled mattresses leaned up against a house. Their odd behavior caught her eye. Each boy held a small baby food jar, up to his face and their eyes looked glossy
Since the boys were children, the audience can see the differences with their families, the way they are treated by the people around them and indeed their lives.
There is an excitement that continues to build as the boys speak to each other, in tense words filled with simple masculine competitiveness, trying to one-up each other. Nervousness is implied in the line "they clear their throats a lot". We know that something is going to take place, something significant and important in the lives of the mother and the boy.
Their mother comes out of the house, “When she saw me, her face fell. She scolded the kids as if that was what she’d come for. ‘I told you not to bother the
In the beginning of the novel the boys were portrayed as young and innocent children, curious and fond of their surroundings. As the story continues, we can witness the boys going through a survival phase, according to what they witness and feel they react accordingly. They become savage and give into the evil inside of themselves, and follow no of the rules that were set. The plot later reveals that the boy’s in fact are not innocent at all. They are not even close to being innocent. William Golding does a very good job when laying out the habits and the traits of the boys.
Edoria said the children’s mother is currently out of jail and called their father (Jalen) yesterday asking him if he could bring their children to come and see her. However, Edoria said Jalen would not take the children to see their mother because he was told she is staying in a drug house. Edoria said Connie came to visit with the children and said the home the children’s mother has been staying in is known to be a place people do meth in. Edoria said Jalen is afraid for his children to go where their mother is because anything could happen to them. Edoria said the children’s mother has no way of taking care of them which is why her, Kenya, and Jalen have to buy the children’s clothes. Edoria said kids are supposed to be with their mother but she said her grandchildren’s mother is unfit and lives from home to home. Edoria also said the children’s mother is unable to meet their basic needs or care for them. Edoria mentioned that there was once an incident where the children’s mother said they do not help her with the children, but she said the children’s mother just wanted them keep the
The boys are alone without their parents. They are young boys. When they were with their parents their parents would comfort them when they are scared. Now that they don’t have their parents their fears are trapped inside of them.
REPORTER: The reporters/Great Aunts (Velma/Mary Ann) called to report neglect for the victims, Maunaija, Maur’keryah, Mariuanna, and Marvin. According to the reporter, Kendra (mother) is not able to take care of the children. Two months ago, Maunaija came to live with Velma; Velma said the child was dirty and Kendra was not able to take care of her. The reporter said the child was being neglected, and Maunaija told Velma she was being teased at school. The children were saying that she stinks and her hair was nasty. Maur’keryah asked Mary Ann could she come and stay with her (unknown when), and she has been living there since August of 2015. Maur’keryah said she was being teased at school (said her hair was nappy and she didn’t have friends).
As I was looking through the never-ending list of artists on the PBS program “Art21,” there was only one name that really captured my attention. That name was Marela Zacarías. I think one of the main reasons as to why I was so intrigued to click on this artist was because her name sounded Spanish and being Hispanic has always been something I have been proud of. What made my choice even better was when I selected on Marela Zacarías’s name and began reading I found out she was Mexican just like me. At that point, there was no doubt I was going to do this assignment based off one of her artworks. When I began researching Zacarías and her art, I was hoping to love her work. Not only did I end up enjoying most of her art but ended up loving the piece called Mannahatta. Without a doubt, it became one of my favorite sculptures right away.
The Situational irony is prevalent when the boys are finally recognized as the bad characters that they’ve been trying so hard to be, but all they want to do is cry and “get out of the car and retch…”
As the shadows turned into solid shapes and then into bodies, he saw that the boy was barely a teenager, short and pudgy. He looked around at those around him, blinking, trying to make out someone’s face, anyone’s face, and soon their faces did gradually grow clearer to him. He realized that they were all just teenagers. Kids.
They started investigating how long, what days, and how often they would hear the screams and cries. Until one day they decided too check out the house that was making all the noise. The old abandoned house. They packed food, flash lights, and their phone just incase they found something weird. When they got too the driveway of the abandoned house they were trying to whisper because if someone or thing was in the house they did not want them to hear their
Instead of accepting this change and becoming mature, the boys decide to do what they want and have fun. This leads to them becoming more inhuman due to their hunger and the fact that there is no adults anymore. This reminds me of when my oldest sister, Hiba,
When I sat down there were two African-American women approximately 30 years old, seated with two children each. One set of children were approximately two years old, a boy and a girl. Their focus is basically assisting their French fries make it to their mouths. The other set of children are both boys. One is approximately three years old and the other looks to be about seven years old. I cannot tell who the Mother is to either set of children, and who is responsible for them. Both women are attending to the smaller children equally. One of the women is very pregnant. The pregnant woman takes the trays to the trash as the other tightens the sippy-cup’s lids of the three younger children. The two year old boy put a toy in his mouth and one of the women told him to stop it. When the non-pregnant woman allowed the young children to swap an airplane toy for an Iron Man figure, the two year old boy started crying. It was apparent at that point, who the mother was as she got up to go do something out of my sight, and the young two year old boy turned around and started crying with outstretched arms.
Synopsis: Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb is about monkeys singing and drumming to a beat. The monkeys sing about their hands, fingers and thumbs while using words that rhyme with fingers and thumbs using a catchy tune of “dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum.” The monkeys show all the different things that someone can do with their fingers and thumbs while also teaching students about counting. This book is great for teaching young children about rhythm and beat within a book or song. Discussion Questions
Teaching –learning-based optimization (TLBO) is a newly introduced by R.V. Rao in NIT-surat. It is an evolutionary optimization algorithm that inspired from teaching –learning phenomenon of a classroom. It is a novel population based algorithm with faster convergence speed without any algorithm – specific parameters. In TLBO each potential problem is treated as a learner with certain knowledge. The TLBO consist of two phases Teacher phase and Learner phase, in both phases learner improves their knowledge from teacher (in teacher phase) and also from classmates (in learner phase).