
Manchester Product

Decent Essays

Manchester Products: A Brand Transition Challenge Recommendation: Here are two companies namely Manchester Products and Paul Logan Furniture Division, both offer furniture in different sectors. Indeed, Manchester Products has been known for office furniture while Paul Logan Furniture Division is selling high-­‐end fashionable home furniture. Manchester should co-­‐brand the Paul Logan Furniture Division line by using a strategy that makes Manchester …show more content…

Therefore, the suggestion given by Lisa regarding delaying the name change is not feasible and would only serve to confuse consumers (Davis, 2000). The suggestion where Gary recommends that all products should be rebranded to Manchester immediately ignores the core reason for the acquisition of Paul Logan Furniture Division. The acquisition was carried out to help Manchester enter the household furniture market and if the name is not used then the acquisition would, in essence, waste the power of the Paul Logan Furniture Division brand in the consumer market. In so far as the last

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