"It was about not having students sit at home alone watching TV and not having someone to talk to, ... not having an adult to which they could come to grips with the tragedy," Skorkowsky said. The district has offered counselors to the community, he said, to assist victims to process the events that unfolded at Mandalay Bay and to also help parents speak to children about what happened. Maria Aguilar, 59, watched as the leaders spoke. Though she is originally from Mexico, Aguilar said Las Vegas is her home. Her niece works at Mandalay Bay but was luckily off on Sunday when the shooting happened. "Words can't explain my relief. But of course, I am still devastated," Aguilar said, adding that she had come to city hall to show respect for
The author demonstrates many values of education throughout the story. Gary, the author, shows that school isn’t the only thing that makes people smart. He also shows the reader that family has to stick together. Blackwood also makes it clear to take pride in your family because they will always be there for you when the times get rough.
The teenagers realize they are still children, who still need to grow up and still need their moms and dads. The narrator makes it very clear at the end of the story that the boys have realized that they are not really ready for the real world, and that they still have a lot of growing up to do. “I wanted to get out of the car and retch; I wanted to go home to my parents’ house and crawl into bed” (128).
The film shows a group of parents giving their best effort to get their kids a more better chance at getting a insightful education, and an opportunity of getting a decent job. The parents go through all the stress, anxiety, and hardship; and it makes the audience feel sorry for them and the viewers feel compelled to help them. Guggenheim wanted the audience to have a feeling of urgency to help these kids and to guide these parents. When the kids where put into the drawing for the charter schools and the audience watches a child be called that wasn't one of the featured kids, the parents get anxious, and can see the pain of waiting. The audience sees when the kids don’t get in, and the kids question why their name was not called. The pain of knowing the kids are going to be sent to an awful school because their name was not called, and it overwhelms the viewers with a sense of pain and agony and makes the audience want to believe there is another way that they can help. The audience wants to make a change the school systems so they can help the children like
Arriving at school, no one know what was going on. “I remember that the students were all very upset, but no one knew what was going on.” Being unaware of the situation, Lilarose felt scared and worried. “I would hear about what happened, but not being able to actually see it. I could not comprehend the situation.”
Within college classes, the teachers and students have the ability to talk more about controversial topics that are not allowed within the high school classes. Parents understand that when their children go to college, they will be exposed to more topics that they have yet to hear about. Parents do not expect the same from a high school classroom. Lake Braddock English departments officials sent a letter to Murphy stating that “society must address troubles the world faces” (The Washington Post - Shapiro). The letter also mentioned that, “ reading and studying books that expose us, imaginatively and safely, to that trouble steels our souls to pull us through our own hard times and leads us to a greater empathy for the plight of our fellow human beings” (The Washington Post - Shapiro).
At Hazelwood High School, they do things differently than at my school. At Hazelwood, most of the people worry about themselves and nobody else. Most of the school doesn’t get good grades and the school does not do anything about it. One day in English class Andy walked out when they were reading Macbeth because it was too emotional for Andy to handle. His friends were concerned and told the school counselor. They said, “But… but… it seems like… like… he needs help or somethin’.” Then the counselor said, “Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you boys this, but he is getting some outside counseling… So you boys can relax and be assured that he is getting whatever help he needs”(100). At Harrisburg High School, if someone had an issue like that, the counselors and teachers would be concerned, even if the person was getting outside help. Another thing about education that is different than mine is the school. In Ronda’s English homework, she wrote, “Our school building must have been built about a million years ago, because it was brown and tall and raggedy-looking, but it fit right in with the rest of the day”(16). At my high school, we are very fortunate to have a very new building to learn inside of. At Hazelwood High, they were not fortunate enough to have a new high school be built. Culture and education are very important pieces of people’s
Some of these kids were not focused on school and found themselves in troubling situations. One principle notes how Michelle, a young girl in the program, changed for the better and is now more focus on the possibilities that are out there for her (Agrelo Mad Hot Ballroom). Through
The rhetorical strategies of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are used in the media every day to persuade society. Whether it be for sales, politics, or everyday news, these three styles of persuasion influence how people are affected by the media. Pathos targets an emotional response. This causes viewers to accept or reject a claim or idea based on how it makes them feel. This is a very effective form of persuasion, however it can be incredibly manipulative.
He believes people should see the real side of high school. School officials are worried about the negative implications that the picture will have 5 years from now. They don’t want her to try getting a job one day and she’s not able to get it because just because of a
One of Sherry’s points is that, “Most kids don’t put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake” (489). Sherry is implying that any student no matter his or her background or current situation, will not make his or her academics a priority unless something is being risked. She does acknowledge that this may not be true for all students, but for the majority, this is the case. Sherry focuses on the idea that students often become preoccupied with other activities such as social lives, families, and jobs that they are not able to focus on schooling as they should. She is insinuating that this is when students need to be dropped from classes, failed, or flunked from the school in order for them to become focused again.
“…Superintendent James Agostine called to offer an empty school that was a godsend” (Six Months). My thesis relates to this because since they had a plan after this they could get back and rolling with the no academic interruption. The school had many volunteers who helped out to rebuild the community with help from the Red Cross. Without these people helping out and giving food to the victims’ families, the city would have been in chaos with the families being very upset (‘Six Months”). Although people may be mad at the superintendent, it’s not his fault and he wants to help the families and help everyone rebound from this tragic event (Gay). Many parents were furious at the superintendent for not saving their children but he’s in as much pain as they are. Although Sandy Hook shooting was a tragic day in history, society benefitted by better
As Panken emphasizes in The New York Time Magazine, ‘Neglect is not merely failure to provide the physical needs. . . . Failure to provide proper supervision, leadership and guidance within the home is a more serious form of neglect.’ The dangers of emotional neglect are also illustrated in the 1955 film Rebel Without a Cause. All of the delinquents featured in this film are teens who, while provided for monetarily, are emotionally starved due to the neglect of their parents and, as such, turn to delinquency. Judy is rich, but is emotionally denied by her father, evidenced in the scene in which he slaps her after she tries to kiss him. Plato is abandoned by his parents and left to the care of a maid, Stark states that his parents ‘buy him many things,’ yet he still describes his home life as a ‘zoo’ and expresses frustration at the lack of understanding he receives from his parents. As a result of this neglect, Plato shoots puppies, Judy spends her time with a youth gang, and Stark drinks and fights in every town he moves to. These contemporary representations of youth assert that no amount of money can replace personal family
In ‘Abolish high school’ by Rebecca solnit, she writes “High school is often considered a definitive American experience, in two senses: an experience that nearly everyone shares, and one that can define who you are, for better or worse, for the rest of your life.” which means high school isn’t wonderful for many people, it has a lot of challenges for teens, maybe some of them ‘kill’ by pressure and challenges, it would affect their rest of life. The high school is not a wonderful place for everyone. People should skip it and escaped it that you would don’t be suffered by it. However I disagree with her, because I believe high school is a indispensable place for students. It is a place for students, they can find a great relationship and an unexceptionable place to learn. On the other hand, I believe the high school is the key to definitive teens who they are in an great way. For example, Teachers would shape everyone’s identity, make you strong to face challenges, and open child’s heart. For example, in my childhood, when I lived with my parents, I was happy to learn, because my parents always encourage me to learn. Also, they want me learn from mistake, because It is a way to learn. They want me to be someone. However my parents left me at 12 age, they have to work more hard to support this home. I can’t focus on learning, I was playing video games every day, because I think I was ‘release’ from my parents. I have no ideas about my future. There is no one like my parents to guide me , I feel alone and confuses. Until I was be a part of high school.The high school make me stronger and hopeful. Teachers guide me walk on the right way again, they talk to me about future and how wonderful thing would happen in high school. I
Personally, this author believes that a professional school counselor who has a strong multicultural sensitivity can change and improve a school community.
Nothing else really matters to the teenagers at the time because high school is all they really know. Senioritis plants a poison in senior’s minds that they don’t feel something is necessary to them. The poison injected by senioritis stings of change. Although there is nothing wrong with high school, seniors begin to feel dead. They don’t find the excitement of attending high school anymore. Senioritis can be contagious; it gets to the best of the seniors out there. Without realizing it, seniors mentally begin preparing to leave their lives as they know them for change. Seniors don’t really comprehend why they suddenly resent high school, but they do. They are bored with it. High school becomes dreadful to the seniors, and they just want out. Senioritis makes seniors anxious to get out of the boring, humdrum lives they lead and move on to bigger and better things, though they tend to have no idea what those bigger and better things may