
Mandatory Community Service Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

In today's world, you see and hear about so much negativity; with terroist attacks, hate crimes, bullying etc., you wonder can we ever be united and live in peace? As I reflect on the passage, of two very different views, I weigh the pros and cons. Should the United States mandate such a law? I feel that community service should be a choice, as that is part of our freedom of being an American. But, as I mentioned prior, I feel more and more we are seeing a divided nation. I think to myself maybe required community service wouldnt be such a bad idea.

Our being; our character, our morals, etc. all stems from childhood! Our enviroment, our influnces, what we learned and how we were raised all brings us to who we become. Most individuals grow up with loving parents, stability, great eductaion etc. but unfortunately not everyone does. I feel lack of these things, resources and experiences can greatly have an impact on individual resulting in unfriendly people, unmotivated people and so forth therefore influncing society with negativity and spreading like a vast disease throughout the nation.

Mandated community service I think will do well as a high school requirement. Exposing …show more content…

At this point in life we are on survival mode, well at least for me. At a young age I was on my own and forced to work to make ends meet and living in California their is no time to take off for a commitment required by the government. Financially the government would not pay enough while serving this commitment causing a financial burden. All the more for me being "pro" high school requirement, students at this time live with their parents so there would be no financial burden to them and students are still young enough to reap the benefits of what the government is trying to instill with this

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