
Mandatory Influenza Vaccine Essay

Decent Essays

As employees and health care works of well known organizations, we have an ethical and moral obligation to make decisions and choices that reflect the best interest of the health of our patients. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2010), mandatory programs should be enforced for health professionals justifying the need for employees to receive the influenza vaccine. The Joint Commission believes that an estimated 80% or higher of influenza immunization rates are crucial for providing the necessary immunity needed to protect and reduce influenza infections or health-related illnesses (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2010). Voluntary programs consist of having the vaccine readily available for employees for no cost, providing staff with education on influenza prevention, and having …show more content…

Immunization rates still remain low and hospitals that have voluntary programs in place, are not seeing the results they would if mandatory vaccine programs were put in to place. A mandatory influenza vaccine policy is the best solution to this issue and long overdue. Health care-associated influenza occurrences are becoming more common as it contributes to patient mortality and morbidity (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2010). Thus, proving even further the need to prevent and control influenza by putting the health and safety of our patients first. Mandating medical interventions should never be imposed abruptly, as the rights of health professionals need to be respected as well. Prominent organizations other then the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) have jumped on board and supported the policy of fulfilling a mandatory influenza immunization policy. Other organizations such as The Joint Commission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, APIC, and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America also support this policy (Sullivan, 2009). Many individuals have common fears and

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