
Mandatory Sentencing In The Criminal Justice System

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The aim of the criminal justice system is to balance the numerous rights and values of society and individuals and to ensure that the application of the law is effective and results in just outcomes. The concept of justice is difficult to define and naturally there are areas where there is conflict between rights of individuals and society. The areas of conflict include police powers and the use of tasers, bail and mandatory sentencing.
Mandatory sentencing involves the implementation of legislation to remove an element of judicial discretion by imposing minimum or mandatory sentences for a particular offence or type of offender. From the perspective of society, mandatory sentencing may be said to promote the rule of law in ensuring that laws are predictable and applied equally across all individuals by aiming to match the punishment to the crime, as well as reduce crime and recidivism. Depending on the outlook taken, mandatory sentencing may be said to promote the individual’s right to a fair trial as it encourages consistency but by the same token a conflict arises in that it strips the judiciary of the power to tailor sentences to the unique circumstances of each case. …show more content…

In 2011 s 19B was inserted into the Crimes Act to provide for mandatory life sentences for offenders convicted of murdering police officers due to, in accordance with the second reading speech for the Crimes Amendment (Murder of Police Officers) Bill, societal unrest about the danger which police officers subject themselves too and the perceived lenient penalties. Section 19B was first applied in R v

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