Mandatory Overtime Difference and Dominance Discrimination Discrimination is, in general terms, treating others differently without a justified reason; however, there are two specific types of discrimination as discussed in the book, Feminism: Issues and Arguments, by Jennifer Mather Saul. These two types of discrimination that Saul writes about are Difference and Dominance Discrimination. Difference discrimination is “discrimination where people are treated differently on grounds of sex, unless sex makes a legitimate difference to the decision being made (Saul; pg. 7).” Basically, unless there is a justified reason, treating people differently based on their biological identity is discrimination, or unjust. Dominance …show more content…
In this case, the business policy is not difference discrimination because the business is simply looking for employees who can fulfill the job requirements, not discriminating based on the sexes of the individuals who applied. Under the idea of dominance discrimination, unlike difference discrimination, it is unclear as to whether it truly is dominance discrimination or not. Since the policy requirements are applied to everyone we can’t really distinguish whether or not this is dominance discrimination because it’s not clear as to whether this policy was put into place to deter women from applying or not. However, this overtime policy may be seen as dominance discrimination when we look at the power structure that is currently in society. This power structure is formed around the assumption of the “ideal worker” who is super loyal, available at all times their employer may need them, and “has no life.” The individual who typically is seen as the “ideal worker” is male. This is caused by the power distribution in society because women typically are the primary caregivers and aren’t able to have the time to be able to be the “ideal worker.” This power distribution is causing job
Discrimination has many meaning and many different ways people can discriminate against others. Discriminations can be as simple as a person making a judgment against someone else by the way they dress or the way they speak or it can be the people are discriminated (out casted/left out) because they choose to be different or have a disability or different colour of skin or even religion. Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person action based on prejudice.
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Sex Discrimination Act took place in 1975 and it is an act which is relevant to women as well as men in order to promote the idea that both of this sex must be treated equally in employment, transport and education and not be treated in the same way. The Sex Discrimination Act protects women as well as men from getting discriminated due to their gender in education, employment, services and also advertising. Generally, women tend to get more discriminated compared to men. Also, the Sex Discrimination Act is relevant to the amount of payment women and men receive but still do the same job. People who are getting discriminated are likely to have a low self-confidence and self-esteem and when this happens,
Sex Discrimination Act 175 – this Act makes it unlawful to treat a woman or a man less favourably in employment, training and related matters, education and the provision of goods, facilities and services on the grounds of
For example, if women models are needed to model a new line for women clothing. The hiring process can be strictly towards women for the position (Robinson, 2013, p. 29). This situation is called bona fide occupational qualification or (BFOQ). If there is a job that qualifies a lot of upper body strength, such as lifting heavy boxes loading or unloading trucks a woman should receive the same treatment and pay in the position that a man would on the job. If a man wanted to
Individuals or majority groups can be discriminated can be discriminated on many different ways. Some, companies are striving to employ equal amount of all races, regardless even on the merits of the individual. I work for government and race equality is very important and very visible. I saw people getting promotion and being promoted, based on their race or gender. In private sector, I hear is little bit different. Some form of institutional discrimination is still around.
Discrimination is usually related to EEO (Equal Employment opportunity) and it mostly targets three segments who lack power; women, religion, and children. For instance, if a woman got a job opportunity, she will end up being discriminated when it comes to compensation. As well, the only justification for this will always be "the maternity leave". Hence, so many employers think that women don’t deserve to get the same basic salary men get, even if both of them perform at the same level. It is well known that it's illegal to discriminate in employment decision based on gender particularly. The gender- discrimination in here is not only about men, but also the women who don’t meet the requirements of physical attractiveness for this job. A woman
More than four million workers will benefit from the new ruling Obama stated regarding overtime. The Overtime Law 2016 indicates that if you work more than 40 hours a week, employees should get paid for it or get extra time off to spend with family and loved ones.
I have been working an average of eight overtime hours voluntarily each week. I have recently found out that I don't get paid overtime hours unless it's an emergency. I'm requesting that I get paid for at least half of the overtime hours that I work.
While mandatory overtime is utilized in health care organizations as a quick solution to staffing shortages, the consequences of staff and issues with patient care continue to be an ongoing ethical issue. The purpose of this paper is to explore the causes and consequences of mandatory overtime, as well as regulations regarding mandatory overtime.
According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sex based discrimination may be (direct) straightforward or (indirect) passive. Direct sex based discrimination requires treating someone, a candidate or employee, adversely because of that individual's sex. Indirect sex discrimination can transpire if someone presume conjectures regarding what category of employment women and men are competent, or incapable, of performing. (Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, n.d)
Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things because of race, age, and sex. People get discriminated everyday for who they choose to be or who they feel they want to be.
The plan would consider gender as one component; however, affirmative action is not primarily just one component. The plan should reflect gender, race, and ethnic profile. The male employees should know, “an applicant does not necessarily have to be a minority or a female to be placed in a job”
Gender inequality has many problems, but one of them is discrimination in the workplace. In an article from “Women in the Workforce”, a segment struck a chord with me, “Women can not achieve gender equality in the workforce because the ideal worker works full time for 40 years. While women are expected to get pregnant and take care of family, which means they have to take time off.” If these responsibilities were not forced upon women then, we could achieve more equality. Due to this biased thinking, there is horizontal
According to the text, discrimination is the limitation or refusal of employment opportunity based on, or related to the protected class characteristics of persons (Walsh, 2013). Moreover, as the judge in the case of Baker v. Silver Oak Senior Living Management Co., after reviewing the facts, they are in the light most favorable to Kathy Baker. A decision would be reached not to terminate Baker, due to the fact that Baker has the
The major issues of Gender Discrimination are seen at the work environments and everyone has to know this particular issue is a serious form of Employment Discrimination. Gender Discrimination is considered as one of the serious illegal and injustice forms with respect to most of the countries worldwide.