
Maneuver Warfare Examples

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The concept of maneuver warfare has very little to do with where the fight happens or how forces arrive to that fight, but how we attack the enemy system and establish a tempo that drives the enemy into a “deteriorating situation with which the enemy cannot cope” (MCDP 1, page 73). The key to creating the conditions for that deteriorating situation is to orient on the enemy understanding the enemy’s strength, weakness, and disposition by orienting ourselves to the enemy and “turning the map around” to exploit that established enemy system. Whether the enemy is on a fortified high ground or is a littoral nation, our goal is the same take the enemy system and destroy it. MCDP 1 gives several examples of what orienting on the enemy means to the various warfighters; a pilot examining the integrated air defenses that must be penetrated or the rifle …show more content…

Having an AF that likely has freedom of maneuver outside of an enemy threat ranges with an amphibious OTH capability, combined with air assets capable of delivering assault forces from multiple avenues of approach. The AF commander has the ability to achieve another important tenet of maneuver warfare: Surprise. Having orienting to the enemy and identifying those centers of gravity and critical vulnerabilities that AF can now maneuver itself to best employ its highly maneuverable assets to best address the enemies system and destroy it. In some cases, the threat of having a highly maneuverable AF postured with the ability to conduct a landing is enough to fix enemy assets and allow attack from conventional land forces such as the amphibious demonstration (feint). Operation DESERT STORM is a great example of using an AF to drive the enemy into decisions that ultimately served our needs and not their

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