
Manga And Anime : Cartoons And Scrolls : Causes, And Differences

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Manga and Anime Research Paper

Anime and manga have been around for many centuries and originated in Japan. Though anime and manga were not once considered as just comics or cartoon shows, but rather as scrolls that shared a message or even paintings that depicted salacious activities that were for adults. Nowadays anime and manga are loved for the flashy and dramatic action scenes that take place within the story, and even the characters of the story. People love anime and manga because they can find the characters relatable and can share a good laugh or even cry, which can inspire others and make people happy. The creator of the first anime took inspiration from Walt Disney because he was inspired by the characters and themes that Disney had created.
The beginnings of manga were just like the beginnings of many other forms of art. The term manga was created by the artist Hokusai who lived from 1760 to 1849. During the 6th and 7th centuries Buddhist monks would develop what would be considered one of the first examples of manga. These were picture scrolls that ran continually along walls and contained common symbols such as cherry blossoms and red leaves to symbolize the passage of time. The most famous of all the scrolls made during this time were scrolls that depicted animals doing human activities, much like Aesop’s Fables, and were called choujuu giga meaning animal scrolls. The scrolls also on top of depicting animals as humans, the scrolls also satire Buddhist

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