“Did you figure out anyway to beat them?” Epsilon asked. “I’m sure those manifestations have some kind of weakness.” “There is a weakness.” Malessica added. “All four of them share the same weakness. We’ll be able to exploit them while fighting.” Sabra chuckled. “Atta girl, lay it on us.” “Being artificial variants, their bodies can’t handle overuse of their Manifestation. Once they overuse their power, they’ll be unable to use Manifestation for a short amount of time. Apparently It’s happened to Ajax once, it’s happened to Yuri about twice and to Vittorio on five separate occasions. There was nothing on Sylvia though.” “Those notes came in handy.” Sabra added. “Those weaknesses are easy to exploit, all we’d have to do is outlast them …show more content…
“I wasn’t able to get any more information. The notes didn’t have any locations, but there was plenty of information I never got a chance to read. Vittorio could have killed me and Gerard that day, but he left us alone for whatever reason.” Epsilon smiled at her. “I think what we have on them should be good enough, but can someone tell me what’s an artificial variant?” “They’re normal humans who get genetically modified to use aura.” Malessia responded. Picking his ear, Epsilon sighed. “The Syndicate never fails to surprise, I guess. Right now, we should try to head to the strip club, gather up whatever information we can over there.” “I believed that was a good idea at first, but we just attacked a pub.” Sabra said. “I think we’ve made enough noise tonight, we should try to lay low and come to the club in the morning. Malessica fixed her hood, readying to leave the alley. “Sabra’s right, people know we’re looking for the Syndicate and I’m sure word will go around. Laying low is easily the best option we have right now. Let’s find a place to stay the night.” Epsilon moved towards the exit of the alley. “I know a place we can go. I’ll lead the way, but we’ll have to move through the streets quickly, in case anyone is looking for
Sabra sighed deeply. “How disappointing. Without information on the man in charge, we only have the highest ranking members to deal with. So this is a start of a plan, Malessica tell me all of their abilities right now. If we can learn about their abilities, we can fight against them with an idea with what we’re getting into when the time comes.”
“Ender looked at the others coldly. “You might be having some idea of ganging up on me …. But just remember what I do to people who try to hurt me.”
"They found someone who was vulnerable and basically they took advantage of a bad situation."
“So how did you and Ban know all of that stuff back there?” Sierra asked.
“Yes, but we’re more flexible targets. First, we’re not as gifted as you. Second, we aren’t a real threat. We don’t have the same brain muscle. Besides, they think they can buy us off with large sums of money to go away.”
“How did you know where the meeting would be?” she asked after getting her thoughts together. “Did the Alliance contact you while I was gone
Percy turned to Steve and Leo. "Distractions. Do anything you have. But if you do run into any defensive people, knock them out."
“You’re the one who hurt Isaac and Claire.” Sabra mumbled. “Why would you fire a rocket launcher not trying to kill anyone? Do you really believe we’re idiots.”
“They’re of the same line.” He winked at me. “Tomorrow, you and Mason must go and find the centaurs. They will help you to understand how to defeat Gordok and save our kingdom.”
"Well, I'm not surprised. The Heroes Organization is a flawed concept. They enlist hundreds of heroes with basically no direction of actually using their strength." The man said. "It just one of those things."
“ Wait what do you mean by we?” Alex asked with a very confused look on her face.
“Me neither,” Sylvester answered. “Did you read about those two little girls getting burn up in that apartment fire?”
Izuku took a step. “You’ve been able to use that quirk to save people from all kinds of
“How are we going to find them?!” Alex yelled, “Their trackers are offline and that is the only way I could possibly
“Alright, alright. I suppose you’re right,” Camira laughed, brushing her hair out of her face. “I suppose the ‘Queen of Shadows’ won’t know what hit her. But, still… entire planets are waging war against her, and I’m some measly superhero in the middle of Manhattan. How in all the galaxies am I supposed to help?”