Mantis is not hiring an attorney to file a lawsuit for $3,340. They are going to threaten all they can to intimidate you to pay the full balance. Also, your mom doesn't have the power to send any amount for the business, so it doesn't matter what your mom promised to send. The contract is with the business and Mantis. On a side note, I don't have a copy of your agreement with Mantis. I'm not sure what they're presumably entitled to. But I don't think it would be beneficial to return daily
“The creation of a structure of good and evil…[is] a function of intelligence-unquestionably the ultimate evil may [be] the destruction of conscious intelligence.”(8) In the psychoanalytical story ‘The Large Ant’, by Howard Fast, a multitude of facets portray how fear morphed history throughout time. ‘The Large Ant’ locates itself some years after the Second World war, atom bombs having been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With a communist regime on the rise, ‘The Large Ant’ parallels Cold War hostilities and breaks apart the intentions of a humanity through the use of theories, including classical conditioning, defence mechanisms, and group influences.
Accounting to the Statute of Frauds , "if a contract is required to be in writing under the Statute of Frauds but is not, the contract is unenforceable. The parties may voluntarily perform a contract that is unenforceable." (Cheeseman, p158) Actually, they both signed a written agreement that "as is, without any warranties" after the Marge told Joan that she would fix any problems with the drivetrain that arose in the first 1,000 miles. The first 1,000 miles should had been written on the contract in order to become enforceable. Since the promise was made before the negotiation, there might have some change before the agreement was signs such as lower the price. So, Joan would not be honer for the first 1,000 miles warranties in this case as she signed "as is". Now, let's discuss the repair fee, Under UCC Statute of Frauds Section 2-201(1) A section of the Uniform Commercial Code which states that sales contracts for the sale of goods costing $500 or more must be in writing. (Cheeseman, 223) Since the repair fee was under $500 in this case, no writing contract needed to be made. Since the repair fee is in oral agreements that was made later and modify the
Tiller Construction Corporation entered into two contracts with Nadler, the CEO of Glenmar, where Tiller would do “the work” for Nadler at Westridge for $637,000 and the other for Tiller to do “the work” for Nadler at Cranberry for $688,800. Nadler agreed to be personally liable to Tiller for the payment of both contracts. When the job was done, Nadler refused to pay the remaining balance of $229,799.46 for the Cranberry project and a remaining balance of $264,273.85 for the Westridge project. So Tiller sued Nadler for the amount owed, plus interest, costs, and attorney’s fees.
The contract was for a total of 62,748 jogging suits that would be custom made for girls and boys. The total contract price was for $ 749,103.60 that included the shipping of the merchandise, which would be shipped within six purchase orders. On or about August 29, 1994 they (Goody’s) terminated their contract in writing, which validates a right to cancel. The parties agreed to amend the first shipment date, Goody’s deny that all other shipment dates were to be amended as well. Goody’s feel that there was any “wrongful, unlawful, or without good cause or justification” eras on their behalf.
Although we appreciate your inclination to work with us and settle this matter, please be aware that my client is a small landscaping company that would be financially unable to pay your settlement offer of One Thousand United States Dollars (US$1,000.00). My client’s company mows lawns in western Massachusetts and since it is a seasonal company, only operates during specific
In a land far far away there were two anthills. Only two in the land. The anthills were not aware of their existence. In one anthill brimming with collected resources and a fair queen lived the Opie ants. In the other there were corrupted a corrupted queen who made the ants work until their death to satisfy her. Those were the Totie ants. Some of the Totie ants were good and hardworking but some turned evil just like the queen. The Totie ants and the Opie ants had the same anthills but different leader. The Opies had an abundance of food; whereas the Totie ants were starving because the queen only looked after her own well-being and ate all the food. The Totie ants were miserable with their leaders and eventually there
Operation Praying Mantis, which occurred on April 16, 1987 was critical point in the history of the United States Navy because it was very instrumental in shaping American history due to it being the largest U.S. Naval action since World War 2. It changed how the United States fought and assessed naval warfare due to multiple grey areas concerning inbound vehicles and deciding when to attack. The operation was also significant to American history because it displayed military might like no other which served as a deterrent to other country’s Navies. Operation Praying Mantis was a significant battle for the United States and I support Symonds’s argument that American history was
“‘Treat all people -- even the most unsightly beetles -- as though they were angels sent from heaven’” (29). In Mawi Asgedom’s memoir, Of Beetles and Angels, he talks about the obstacles he faces through growing up. Throughout Mawi’s life he overcomes the obstacles of racial prejudice, school bullies, and financial disadvantage, which motivated him to build a fulfilling successful life.
contract. If you did take this to court then I would be very surprised if the jury sided with you
Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies is a work of historical fiction set in the Dominican Republic under the rule of powerful dictator known as Trujillo. Four sisters work together to resist a force greater than themselves to stand up for their beliefs and protect their family. Patria, Dede, Mate, and Minerva, “the butterflies”, experience the loss of their father and family members to the regime. They work together to retrieve them back or use their losses to drive them to overthrow their compelling government. Each of the sisters represent a larger theme of the novel such as religious importance, identity, or coming of age. Minerva Mirabal is driven by the need to escape the “cage” she is locked in by Trujillo. Therefore, the theme
History may define the identity of a nation, but its progress and social change makes the nation a legacy. The way society is systemized today is the result of a millennia of years of victories and failures. Social change is a blessing of humanity where the basic traits of expression, belief, greed and cruelty unite to determine the fate of society. Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies illuminates the early to middle 20th century Dominican Republic society, where the Mirabal sisters, Dedé, Maria Teresa, Patria, and Minerva, are agitators of revolution after seeing dictator
but typically is used more generally to refer to any of the mantid family. The
In 1993 Volkswagen had record low sales but by the end of 1997 the VW brand had sold 137,885 cars. That was an increase of 178% from it’s 1993 slump. It is safe to say that the the ’94 relaunch of VW on the American Market was a success. The “Drivers Wanted” campaign, developed by Arnold Communications, I believe was successful as a result of excellent market research and positioning.
In this paper, I will discuss a play by Athenian playwright Aristophanes, The Wasps. First, I shall give a brief overview of the The Wasps. Then, I will examine the courtroom scene of the play and argue that Philocleon is not an impartial juror. Next, I will discuss generational gap in Athens. Finally, I will conclude the paper with my outcome of the investigation of the conflict between Misocleon and Philocleon.
This paper explains how the movie A Bug’s Life used sociological concepts to explain the challenges faced in an animated society of ants. They were overwhelmed with fear from the grasshoppers who constantly reminded them of their inferior class. Coming together and building relationships with one another was their only way out of their own demise. Stopping the grasshoppers from continuously using their race as a way to place them all within a low-class category. Despite their manipulative ways and social stratification uses, the ants came out on top while the grasshoppers felt the wrath of ants who had finally come together as a family. Unleashing their power, as one big family, onto the grasshoppers and reclaiming their home island.