When people hear the name “Mao Zedong”, they immediately think of a stubby communist dictator responsible for the death of millions. Although many of his reforms failed and millions died, many argue that he his “good” outweigh his “bad”. He saved the ailing nation of China, molding it to the nation it is today. Mao Zedong was born on December 26, 1893 to a relatively wealthy farmer in the small village of Shaoshan, Hunan. When he was eight, he attended a small school in his village, where he learned traditional Confucian ways. However, only after five short years in school, his father pulled him out and put him to work in his fields. There, he toiled until he was seventeen, when he convinced his totalitarian father to let him attend a secondary school in Changsha, the Hunanese capital. There, he acquired limited knowledge of science, but developed a clear written style, and an extensive understanding of social problems, Chinese history, and current affairs. During his years at school, the country of China was rapidly changing. People were tired of the ancient and ineffective monarchy system, and in 1911, the Xinhai Revolution began to oust China’s last imperial dynasty. Mao joined the Revolutionary Army and the Kuomintang Nationalist Party, but did not see any action on the front lines. The revolution was successful, terminating the several thousand year old monarchy, consequently replacing it with the Republic of China. After the revolution, Mao resumed his normal life,
It revealed to the world what was not known. Many people know little about how the Chinese actually lived under the reign of Mao and this book provides the knowledge, This book is a factual memoir in which incorporates the hidden history of China. Before the reading of the book, many would not have thought of Mao as a tyrant. Particularly the natives of China are informed little about the negative aspects of Mao. Even today, his picture still looks down on the Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
The method applied by Zedong focused on uniting China under one belief in order to implement communist ideas in the country, widely changing the country’s structure. (Doc 7). At his defense trial, Cuban revolution leader Fidel Castro appealed to those struggling in his country. He spoke to those who hoped for a brighter future and who have been betrayed by their country. By addressing their battle, Castro urged them to fight for a better Cuba. His relentless and undying commitment ultimately granted Castro his wish for a revolution. (Doc 8). An additional document consisting of a diary entry from a Chinese citizen during the communist revolution would create a clearer vision as to how convincing Mao Zedong truly was.
People were so obsessed with proving their dedication to Mao that they lost sight of how irrationally they were acting. The author of The Mao Button uses extreme hyperbole to satirize this personality worship. The entire country of China lived with a deep-seated fear that their dedication to the Chairman would be called into question, and they would not be able to prove themselves - and thus would face ridicule, or the even punishment. Indeed, a mere lapel pin was enough by which to judge someone’s patriotism.
Mao Zedong was a Chinese communist and father of the People’s Republic of China. Mao Zedong grew up farming and had arranged marriage. He got his power by getting a lot of support from peasants from China. The communists were led by Mao Zedong. The Chinese communists got their power in 1949. Mao Zedong did not make a better society economically because he did not improve the quality of lives for people because there wasn’t enough jobs. He did make a better society socially because he improved living conditions, women got freedom after the law, and expanded education.
Through out all of history we have seen so many heroes and villains all over the world. But one place in particular was in China, with a leader who goes by the name of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was a well-known communist leader in china who actually lead the Chinese Communist Party. He is one of the most important people/historical figures in history. At first he was helping China at the beginning of his ruling, nut then his actions had cause China to completely fall and breakout into violence and complete chaos!! Changing the views of his people because whatever good he had done did not matter anymore from his great down fall. During his ruling though some believed that Mao
Mao Zedong was born in the Shaoshan village in the Hunan Province of China in 1893. Born to a peasant farmer who independently became wealthy, Mao became a revolutionary whose theoretical ideas spurred him into taking action against imperialist China. His father was noted to be a very strict man who wanted Mao to follow in his footsteps on the farm. Mao, however, was rebellious and had other ideas that he wished to pursue. He was a lover of books and learning the ways of many theoretical writers. One of his favorites for which he would eventually style his own beliefs and actions after is Karl Marx. These would come to be known as Maoism.
From 1949 until his death in 1976, Mao Zedong transformed a country in poverty and chaos into a well-organised state with an educated populous, over which he maintained total control. 2 more intro sentences.
Over the course of Mao’s leadership from 1949 until his death in 1976 we can see the significance of his leadership and what made him a good and bad leader. Mao had made some very good decisions to help certain groups but also made some very bad decisions that paid the price, in some cases killing millions. Due to the social and economic changes that then followed by a significant increase in the population and weak leadership that led to rebellions from 1911 that saw the end of 3500years of rule by the Chinese imperial dynasties. The social and economic chaos then led to the formation of two political parties. The CCP, led by Mao Zedong and the GMD led by Chiang Kai Shek. Mao and his party defeated the GMD in 1949 bringing Mao into power. Mao’s main goal was to turn China into a pure communist country. Over the course of Mao’s leadership he did this by making significant social, economic and political changes to the Chinese way of life. However due to his poor leadership and the faults that he made it caused people to oppose him and get in the way of his goal. That is why in 1966 Mao decided to assert his beliefs through a series of decisions, which came to be known as the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution was a hard time for many people throughout China as Mao enforced many things upon them to achieve his aim of removing capitalism. Mao used the youth of China to be that
Under Mao Zedong, China experienced profound social and economic changes. Industry increased, prostitution and opium use was reduced, and many experienced an increase in social standing as land was redistributed to the peasants, prior to collectivization. But many of the policies that were enacted had negative, even disastrous consequences, which were never properly apologized for or rectified. In 1981, 5 years after Mao’s death, the Chinese Communist Party stated that Mao was essentially 70% good and 30% bad. But Mao’s disconnect from the actualities of his policies, paranoia towards his status in the Party and his public image, and lack of foresight in regards to the consequences of his decisions had extreme ramifications on China that not only led to the death of millions, but fundamentally undermined legitimacy of the government. Through the specific policies of the Hundred Flowers campaign, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution, Mao’s lack of understanding of his actions, and his poor treatment of those who criticized him are very apparent. And while not all of Mao’s policies and actions were disastrous, his errors outweighed his merits. In actuality, Mao’s actions were more likely 80% bad and 20% good.
In 1949 Mao Zedong and his communist revolutionaries had won control of China after a civil war that had lasted more than 20 years. Mao’s revolution was based on a society where the workers control the government. During this time China was a substandard country due to the years of war, disease, and natural disaster. To help make china stronger Mao called for couples to have more babies because babies equal more workers and more work leads to a stronger China. To help economically, people were forced to abandon farming and help aid an industrial China, thus known as The Great Leap Forward. With the replacing of farms, China was reconciled to food shortages, which then led to the killing of an estimated 30 million people. Therefore mao turned
During in school, the book affected him a lot. In 18, Mao explore to a wider world –Changsha- for further education in Xiangxiang Middle school. Where he first contacted with media and learned about the current-day insurgence. However, after witnessing a battle he decided to join the army. The 6-month army life taught him the disadvantage of soldiery. (Wilson, 2008) In 1912, he went trough several schools and finally find his place in Hunan Province Public Library. For the latter half year, he read large quantity of articles by western theorists and philosophers, such as and Herbert Spencer’s .From 1913 to 1918, he was studying in Hunan Province Forth Normal School. During the restless period, Mao’s ideology was roughly shaped. Next year, he was in Beijing University Library and attending classes there, where he met some radical figures such as Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao.
Throughout history, the actions of leaders have altered the course of society and how people live their everyday life for better or worse some examples being united states president Franklin Delano Roosevelt An example of one such leader would be Mao Zedong, the former chairmen of the communist party of china. This research paper is going to delve into the history of Mao and out how he fought to rise to power along with the decisions he made and changes that were implemented and how they impacted the nation of China along with the surrounding region and even society as a whole.
Mao ZeDong is one of the greatest leaders in the history of New China. The influence of Mao’s theory is profound and lasting. He is a great thinker, poet, and a highly intelligent military strategist. Under his leadership and the actions he performed during The Long March, Chinese Civil War then defeating the Kuomintang Party to built the New China are the main epic episodes. Mao ZeDong's extravagant actions made two of the many changes to China. They are the shift from a capitalist system to a socialist system and the achievement of China's independence against Japanese imperialism (Somo, 2013a). The influence of Mao’s theory has been widespread to the world up until this day. Especially, in the countries of the third world have
China has been a communist country since the communist revolution took place in 1949, since then China has been ruled by the dictator Mao Tse-Tung. However the Chinese dictator died in September 1976, he was hailed abroad as one of the worlds’ great leaders. Certainly one of the more impressive aspects of the Chinese communist government, has been the willingness of the people to protest against it (3, pg. 4).
In 1949 a powerful communist leader by the name of Mao Zedong came to power based on his idea for a, “Great Leap Forward.” This idea was meant to bring China’s economy into the twentieth century. He had assembled a revolutionary government using traditional Chinese ideals of filial piety, harmony, and order. Mao's cult of personality, party purges, and political policies reflect Mao's esteem of these traditional Chinese ideals and history. However, the product of this revolution created a massive national shortage in vital materials and initiated a wide scale famine to China’s people (Gabriel).