
Mao's Last Dancer Quotes

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Mao’s last dancer an autobiography by Li Cunxin (a famous chinese ballet dancer). Li cunxin was born into bitter poverty in rural Qingdao,china. Despite the harsh reality of life, his childhood was full of love. The compassion and admiration that Li’s parents gave him filled Li with hope, strength and courage to keep moving on. I think that li’s poor upbring was more valuable than a rich western upbring because of how much harder he had to work for everything, training Li to work harder at all aspects in his life. Value by western standard is materialistic eg; physical comforts/material possessions. Value by chinese (eastern) standard are personal qualities such as integrity,love and compassion etr. “Although we have no money,no food,and can't buy cloths,and although we live in a poor house,one thing we do have is PRIDE”. This quote in the book talks about the one thing the family does have ‘pride’. …show more content…

being brought up with such established morals the li family followed everything by the book. When Li got chosen to dance with the beijing dance academy his family was overjoyed,This could mean the way out of poverty ,But it was hard for Li to stay committed focused and determined throughout his journey. he knew That he had to for the future of his whole family It all lay on Li’s shoulders. Whereas in an enriched western culture people wouldn't have had to of jumped at the first opportunity that came their way they would have a whole different aspect on

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