
Marc Anthony Speech In Julius Caesar

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In Act II of the play, Julius Caesar, the character says “ You came just in time to convey my greetings to the senators and to tell them that I will not come today” (II, ii, 60-61). Caesar says this to Decius and commands him to go tell this to the senate. Caesar is not going to the senate, even though he knows its because they want to crown him king. He is not going because his wife has had terrible dreams about it but Decius talks him into going anyway. Caesar ends up getting killed at the senate by the conspirators, who are the group of men who want Caesar dead. The lead man in the group, Brutus, is one of Caesar’s close friends and Caesar is heartbroken when he turns and Brutus puts the final dagger into his side. Marc Antony is Caesar's right hand man and he is very upset and angry about Caesar's death. Marc Antony and Brutus both give speeches at Caesar’s funeral about their sides of the story. Marc Antony gave a more outstanding speech compared to the one Brutus gave and he gained the most followers from it. Marc Antony says in Act 3 Scene 2 on pg. 135 “ You all saw that on the Feast of Lupercal I presented him a kingly crown, three times: three times he turned it down.” showing that Caesar was not full of himself and he was a good man and shows that he …show more content…

He tells them that he did it because Caesar was ambitious and for the good of Rome. The crowd is into what he says. They call him “noble Brutus” (III, ii, 11) and even say on the next page “let Brutus be Caesar” (III, ii, 47) just like they had said about Marc Antony. In the end there was something different with Marc Antony's speech that put him over the top, and it was that he lead the crowd towards rioting. As stated earlier in the paper the crowd wanted to kill Brutus and burn his house and all this bad stuff to do to him and the conspirators but, none of that was said about Marc Antony during Brutus’s

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