I want to be a drum major and squad leader for the 2018 season of marching band. I know I have the leadership qualities that are needed to fill these positions. The current leadership experience I have through band is being a previous squad leader, holding three band officer positions, and at times being the Symphonic Band clarinet section leader. Outside of band I am a member of the National Honors Society and am a mentor in MVP. I also frequently volunteer with programs that help children and I have been a preschool teacher in one program. A strong leader is someone that others can look to as an example and someone they can go to if they need help. A leader needs to hold themselves to a higher standard as well as holding others to that …show more content…
I help out a lot with our band program and make sure everything is running as smoothly as it can be in that moment. I have people come and ask me for help on music, conducting, and how to set up sectionals pretty frequently. I set up the band room every morning and take attendance and people know that they need to come to me with issues pertaining to that. I also am a librarian for both bands and have helped people, on more than one occasion, get music that they lost or left at home. I am grateful that I have been given the chance to hold these positions because they have given me more confidence and responsibility in our band …show more content…
I spend a large amount of time helping out, sorting and copying music, and doing other things that are needed. I have dedicated almost all of my time to band this year, whether that be marching band, concert ensembles, Grand View Wind Ensemble, jazz band, or the honor bands I did this year. I changed my outlook on our program and knew it was the program I wanted to be the most involved in throughout high school. My attitude toward this program has always been really positive. People know me as someone who is always smiling and just excited to be in the room making music. Band is the thing that makes me the most happy in life and it is extremely rewarding when I am able to make progress in anything that I am doing. There is a reason I have decided to go into music education in the future, it makes me feel great to see people progressing in our program and finding the way music works for them. Punctuality is something that is very important to me. I always had people that would show up exactly on time for my sectionals or would be five minutes late, and during that time we couldn’t do anything productive because they were setting up and warming up. I think people need to allow enough time to get themselves ready and be in their spot by the time they need to be, not just showing up. If people did this, we would have more time to rehearse and would be more
A strong leader is somebody that puts the members first, that builds up their local, that understands the issues, and that contributes to the advancement of our movement; and our movement is defending good paying jobs, fighting employers that want to cut our wages and privatize our work, and someone who's not afraid to do the dirty work to
I have also been a member of band and a part of the college ambassadors. I have done band for four years and my freshman year I was a part of the all-county band. All-county band is an audition from all of the best band members from every school in the county and there are limited spots with certain instruments to come together into a mass band and perform together. All county band members are known to being the best band players in the county yet alone at your school. As a college ambassador, it is a group of about ten people who come together and discuss college choices, standardized test, studies, majors and life during college. This group has helped me make college decisions, made me a better person overall, has taught me many different options and routes through college, such as introducing me to internships during college. All throughout school ever since elementary school I have been on A/B honor roll and I still am to this day. My junior year I was inducted into the National Honors Society and the National Technical Honors Society, so grades are very important to me because I understand sports do not last forever but education and knowledge
As an Assistant Band Director I performed duties appointed by the Band Director. The band program consists of 360 students. As an assistant I performed office duties but also providing the students with the proper tools to be successful in their classes. These duties include but are not limited to the following: Developing new ways to help students be successful in the class room, create monthly newsletters, arranging parent/ student meetings, help students resolve personal issues, mediate conflicts that develop within the students body, organize trips, interview students for leaderships positions, assign leadership positions, returning e-mail's, filing, typing letters, arrange the yearly calendar, manage facility request, create an annual
This year I am participating in the Area West Elementary Enrichment Band where I play the clarinet. I am proud of this because it is a large achievement in my passion, music. In grade 6 I was first introduced to the clarinet and instantly fell in love with it. Today I continue to play the same instrument. In Enrichment Band, I get to meet and play alongside other musicians who have the same passion and drive for music that I do. I also get to seek further learning opportunities within the band, such as the mc script I have received for the upcoming concert. Overall, the band is an excellent learning opportunity and I am truly privileged to have that opportunity available to me.
At the end of my sophomore year, I was given the title as one of the two Drum Majors and was now the student leader for a marching band that consisted of over a hundred students. My role as a Drum Major was not only leading the band to perform to the best of their ability, it was also to be the biggest proponent of the group.
I became section leader of the flute section in marching band for the 2016 season. To get into this position I worked extremely hard in marching band throughout the three years I participated. I had to be interviewed for the position by the band director, have good grades, and be hardworking and dedicated to the music program. I was so happy when it was announced that I would be section leader because it was a position I wanted since freshman year.
In concert band, I have been first chair since 7th grade. I have to learn music of all different styles and perform them for audiences. In marching band, I have been lead flutist, woodwind captain, and more recently I have earned the title of being drum major. As drum major, I conduct the band and provide an example for my peers. I am required to model leadership, responsibility, dedication, and
During this past school year I have contributed my time, effort and dedication into all of the rehearsals, practices, performances and every other thing I have done in this program. Hard work is another thing I have contributed to this band, not only through playing and memorizing music, but also by loading and unloading props, staying after school to set up for concerts, and by vacuuming and other cleaning tasks that are needed around the band room.
I’ve been playing the clarinet since 5th grade. I decided to join band because I had family who played instruments and wanted to be like them. As a 5th grader, I never imagined how much I would enjoy the challenge that comes from being in band. I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College in the fall to get my generals. I will be taking classes that will help prepare me for the medial field. After getting my generals, I will most likely transfer to a
For my freshman and sophomore years, I auditioned and was accepted into the symphonic band as a saxophonist. This was a major achievement for me because the symphonic band is our school's most prestigious band. I was unable to participate in symphonic band as a junior due to my surgery. Because of my passion for music, I did not want my jaw surgery to stop me, so I learned a new instrument in the percussion section. I participated in jazz band, concert band, and marching band. As a senior, I am back to playing my saxophone. I am also back to marching on the field. Additionally, I am an integral part of the band's leadership program. As a group, we find ways to improve the band program so that it will strive to be the best that it can be. I want to ensure that students behind me have the same opportunities I did so they can achieve their musical
Whenever I moved to Boyle County High School, my parents were the ones who had constantly invigorated me to join the band program. I had previously been in band at my old high school that was located in an exceptionally small town where a quality music program was not valued, much less a competitive marching band. A few days before I had actually started school, my guidance counselor decided to give me a tour of the school. As she asked me several questions about what classes I was interested in, band inevitably came up. Eventually, she brought me to
I’ve been involved in Fine Arts since the beginning of my middle school career. Since that first day way back in fifth grade when I picked up that alto- saxophone, I haven’t been able to put it down. Today I would consider myself advanced when it comes to music/band. I currently play the alto and the tenor saxophones. I feel good about myself when I tell people about being involved in band and all of the different things that the band does. Playing an instrument is a talent and I would consider myself very talented. I have lettered in band all my four years of high school. For the past two years I have attended The All-Star Masonic Marching Band Camp. I was very honored to be a part of something so big like that.
Over the years at Oscoda Schools I've spent my time helping with the music program. I have ran events for Band Festival where I helped with scheduling making sure foreign bands were on stage at time. During my dual enrollment period, I often went into the band to help the younger kids learn rhythms, and Publications class to help with the yearbook. I personally am in the choir and help with organizing for events. When we travel, I have all the music for the judge ready to go so the performer has nothing to worry about.I also work at the school's carnivals and fundraisers. We would sell at concession stands for Basketball games through the season. At the carnivals, I would set up for my class and help Student Council with their games. Here I
This year I wish I did not switch from Honors to CP Band. I did this because I was afraid of a couple scales, like I said I was very not confident with my playing ability. If I had just practiced instead of worrying I would have been golden. Next year I am definitely taking Honors because I believe I will be ready to do the extra recording parts. I will definitely be practicing much, much more next year so I can improve even more than I did this
Over the years I have come to know Satellite as a home, specifically the band program. As I reflect on the past three years I can see how much I’ve grown as well as the music program itself. I will work to continue this legacy of skilled musicians and work to better myself and others around me through the position of drum major. Drum majors are more than just the keepers of time; they are the go-to people who are willing and ready to do anything the job has in store. As drum major I would be able to help every section and work with other leadership to plan section warm-ups, identify areas of concern, and personally learn more about each instrument and its players. Having this perspective as head drum major I will create an environment for