Marco Rubio is approaching the primary election and there are several goals and objectives he must first accomplish along with strategies and tactics, in order to win and stand out among the other candidates. Based off this campaign so far, Rubio needs to win the upcoming debate and increase his polling up to at least 15%. Next, he needs to increase his support group in Florida and beat out Jeb Bush. He can gain more support by using his background to grow the Latino vote continuing to share his American Dream story. Lastly, he needs to bring the Republican Party together and prove to the GOP that he is ready to handle the candidacy and become their first choice. Therefore, these objectives will ensure his primary election win and later in …show more content…
Therefore, if Bush does poorly or drops out that would be a great increase of supporters for Rubio. First, he needs to connect with Floridians and continue to prove to them that he is mature and ready to take on the Presidency. One example of maturity he could show would be to apologize to Florida State University students and staff for the comment he made during the CNN debate, "Look, I don't have anything against Florida State. I think there has to be a school where people that can't get into Florida can go to college, and so that's why we have Florida State," Rubio said. (Tal, 2015). He should show his maturity by apologizing over social media so many could see it, share it, and respond to the message. To be backed by the joining alliances with Walker’s donors and Bush’s donors by having a special event to secure more funds and support. He could do this by hosting a luncheon or rally inviting donors to come to support his campaign. Most importantly, Rubio become involved in the communities and make alliances with organizations that appeal to his audience of voters. For example becoming involved in entinties like the Hispanic Scholarship Fund to appeal to two types of voters. Lastly, he should continue to try to appeal to Latino and young voters in the state of Florida. According to the Washington Post “ …show more content…
He will accomplish this overall goal by winning the state of Florida voters and donators and taking Jeb Bush’s votes. By proving he has what it takes and taking on Carly Fiorina, and laying low with Donald Trump. During the next debate he will gain the GOP’s support fully and become more voters first choice. By gaining a social media presence with voters is the best way to attract the not only young voter but will continue to get his name out to the public. Therefore, he will be able to gain supporters and the primary vote and eventually the candidacy for
On June 22, Marco Rubio announced that he would indeed run for re-election. Republicans were enthused by this news because he is universally known across the state and an immaculate fundraiser. The race was immediately polled, and Sen. Rubio was winning by 8%.
-Jeb Bush continues to be the "front runner" in the presidential election. He has also raised the most money. However, he is being punished for wanting to take "non conservative" actions by doing something about illegal immigrants. This is expected to hurt him in the primary and help him in the general.
Jeb Bush's campaign hopes cannot include talk of the US Economy, Trade, Deficit Spending, or actual socials issues. What does a candidate do when his/her bag of campaign rhetoric runs shy of full and varied issues. They grab one or two issues and do the best they can to garner attention. What grabs attentions? The Middle East, ISIS, ad for the GOP abortion. Bush chose to speak about Iraq as integral to US foreign policy and an area the
Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz on Friday crisscrossed Iowa on a five-stop campaign event swing through the state as he continues to built a strong support amongst Republican voters with just 100 days left into the Iowa caucus. The latest Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register poll released on Friday has Cruz in third place with 10% in Iowa. Ben Carson is in first place in Iowa with 28% while Donald Trump is now in second with 19%. Even though Cruz is positioned to earn one of the ‘three tickets out of Iowa,’ he still needs to snatch up more voters from the other Republican candidates who are vying for the same fraction of evangelicals conservative that are taking away votes from Cruz.
Many candidates could be elected to senate, but Marco Rubio would be the best. Marco Rubio should be elected to senate because he will lower healthcare cost for seniors, repeal Obamacare, and allow people to control their own healthcare choices.
Fighting in his last hope to win Florida’s primary before Florida decides his political future, Rubio campaign through the I-95, making appearance in Melbourne, West Palm Beach and West Miami, making the case that is seen to be potentially his last day of his presidential campaign.
1) Although a voter is registered as with "no party affiliation" in Florida, they would be ineligible to vote for Bernie Sanders in the Florida Presidential Preference Primary. Due to Florida being a closed primary state, meaning anyone who wants to participate needs to be registered in a political party, would need to either register or switch on February 16 deadline. The Presidential Preference Primary is on March 16th and due to Bernie Sanders having the party affiliation of Democrats, the "no party affiliation" preference would have to be changed to Democrat affiliation on the 16th of February to be eligible to cast his vote for Sanders.
2016 presidential election has many interesting and well informed candidates to date, the candidates which I find to be the most informed and best suited to lead the free world is Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio’s platform is based on youth, diversity and a new way of thinking about this generation. In this essay Marco Rubio’s background, quotes and plans as president will be stated to better understand why he is the best candidate for the presidential election.
Marco Rubio is the Republican counterpart to 2008 Barack Obama, just without the elegance or needed ideology. He is a handsome minority, who is well spoken, and has a beautiful, young family. He appears to be an adequate choice for the nomination, as he has centrist enough views to interest some independents, while also having some of the requisite crazy to entice the party’s base. Rubio is also from Florida, which could help in turning an essential swing state red. A shortcoming for Marco Rubio is that he has recently decided that he is a Senator in name only, forgoing actually attending Senate votes and hearings, except on payday. Rubio, needing plenty of oil to style his hair, has one of the worst environmental records in the Senate, which
According to the poll, if the competition was confined to a two-candidate race in which Trump would go head-to-head with Cruz and Rubio, Cruz would lead Trump with 56 percent to 40% and the Senator of Florida, Marco Rubio, would lead Trump by 57% to 41
Analysts initially viewed Rubio as the underdog, and he trailed the better-known Christ in the polls at first. But the well-spoken young politician hammered at Christ for his ties to President Barack Obama, and emphasized the state's dire need for economic change. "I'm in this race to win. Many of the things that make America unique are threatened by politicians in Washington, D.C. We're going to make irreversible decisions over the next four to six years. I want to be a part of correcting the course," he said during his campaign.Late in the campaign, Rubio found himself retracting some of his statements about his family background. He had initially stated that his parents fled Cuba during the revolution. However, they had actually left before Fidel Castro took power. This information had little impact on his campaign. Voters seemed more taken with his pledges to curb federal
When he started his campaign, Jeb Bush thought competence and a conservative record would power him to the GOP nomination and, like his brother and father before, to the Oval Office. Eleven months later, faced with declining poll numbers and difficulty sustaining fundraising, the 62-year-old wonk is coming to grips with voters’ desire for something else.
When the words “swing state” are mentioned, Florida is perhaps one of the first states a person may think of. In this year’s election cycle, the story is no different. Florida has a single senate seat up for election, and Marco Rubio (R), and Patrick Murphy (D) are hoping to claim it on November 8th. Marco Rubio has held that seat since the last senate election in 2010, giving him an edge as the incumbent. Patrick Murphy is the challenger and has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2012. A glance at any polling numbers shows Rubio ahead, and most have shown him ahead since the beginning of the race. The polls do not show a commanding lead, as one may expect from an incumbent. While polling margins are slimmer than many average incumbents, money has not stopped flowing to Rubio. His finances are typical of an incumbent particularly that of a closely contested race. It may be impossible to tell which has the greater effect of Rubio’s fundraising. In states that are typically swing states and have close political races, simple analyses such as incumbency advantage may not fully explain the results and polls in the race.
“Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush will make his first official campaign stop in Colorado” (Rittiman). Jeb Bush started his presidential campaign August 25th and seems to be falling fast just two months later. Suffering Donald Trump 's reality show style insults and the problems his family 's dynasty created Jeb has been steadily falling in the polls. He first came out running with many people behind him seeing him as genuine, but now he is beginning to fall prey to Trump 's demonization. Bush is losing funding fast and unfortunately for him some are calling him the next Scott Walker.
The Republican party wants to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. In Washington, Mr. Kasich’s persistence in the race has become a source of frustration. The event is occurring in the United States. All Americans are impacted on this event. According to Karl Rove the nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. I think that Donald Trump should not be president if everyone is worried about