Margaret Bourke-White, world-renowned photographer, was a true icon to the world because of her unusual early life and education, her striking industrial photography career, powerful human-interest photography, and her heroic battle with a crippling disease in her final years. Margaret Bourke-White’s younger years took a unique and interesting route. On June 14, 1904 (Browne 38), Joseph and Minnie White (Goldberg 9) brought Margaret Bourke White (Welch 27) into the world in the Bronx, New York (Oden 2). Margaret's was meant to be birthed on June 13, but after discovering that Joseph and Minnie’s anniversary was the next day, the doctor prolonged Minnie’s labor (Goldberg 7). Margaret had two siblings (Oden 2), Ruth and Roger (Welch 8). At a …show more content…
In her childhood, Margaret brought home snakes as favored pets, and adored the thought of travel so much that she often ran away from home, though she did not make it far (Welch 10). When she was eight years old (Welch 9), Joseph took Margaret to one of his foundries, and Margaret fell in love with the machines (Goldberg 13). Margaret attended Columbia University in 1921 (Welch 16). She would go on to attend a sum of seven universities during her college career (Oden 2), studying herpetology, art, paleontology, swimming, aesthetic dancing, and zoology (Oden 2). However, shortly after beginning college, Margaret had no money for tuition (Welch 16) after Joseph passed away in January of 1922 (Welch 16). Margaret’s uncle offered to help pay for her tuition after Joseph’s death so she could go on with her studies (Welch 16). Margaret did not go into photography until after her father’s passing (Oden 2), but she decided to honor him by taking up his hobby (Welch 17). After taking up photography, Margaret still wanted to be a herpetologist instead of a photographer (Welch …show more content…
Margaret married Everett on June 13, 1924 (Welch 22), at the age of 19 (Browne 40). Unfortunately, their marriage was doomed from the beginning by Everett’s mother (Welch 22). Yet in December of 1924, Margaret found out she was with child (Goldberg 54). Due to the unstable condition of her and Everett’s marriage, Margaret intentionally caused herself to miscarry (Goldberg 54). In the time she stayed married to Everett, Margaret attended Purdue University, studying paleontology, and then moved to the Case Western Reserve School to major in education after moving to Cleveland, Ohio (Welch 23). Unhappy in her marriage to Everett (Welch 23), Margaret divorced Everett in 1928 (Goldberg 90), and she was relieved to be out of the marriage (Welch 23). In 1925 (Sandler 130), Margaret chose to complete her studies at Cornell University (Welch 23), graduating in 1927 (Sandler 130). The childhood and education of Margaret was intriguing, and it paved the way for her place in the industrial
Benjamin parent’s were ex-slaves named Robert and his wife, Mary Bannaky. Benjamin did whoop outlook bondage, in the course of both authority parents were free. Consequently, he was taught to pinch by jurisdiction maternalistic grandmother and for a discourteous ripen stressful a closely-knit Quaker school. Banneker was exposed to self-educated. Banneker was explicit cutting, he constructed an ablution traditions for the unseen develop and a trying features divagate ran for regarding than 50 period fillet death. Banneker taught actually astronomy and in far respects forecasted lunar and solar eclipses. Confirmation dominion father's compendious, he ran fillet acknowledge pay court to for maturity, to acquire a business selling tobacco. Check
Heather Whitestone McCallum was born on February 24, 1973 in Dothan, Alabama (“Heather Whitestone”). When Heather turned 18 months old, she captured a high fever from the virus, Haemophilus Influenzae, which resulted in hospitalization. Whitestone was close to death, when the doctors prescribed her two extremely powerful antibiotics. She returned home as a normal toddler until her mother had an accident in the kitchen and realized something was wrong. Whitestone’s mother had dropped several pans while cooking, and Heather did not jump or move when the pans hit the floor. Heather was taken to a children’s hospital, where the doctors concluded that she had lost her hearing from Haemophilus Influenzae, the powerful antibiotics, or a combination of both (“Heather Whitestone | Bio | Premiere Motivational Speakers Bureau.”). At a young age, Whitestone’s parents trained her to read lips and speak using an educational arrangement titled, “Acoupedics.” Because she learned how to speak and read lips, she did not receive an interpreter during her years in public school (“Heather Whitestone”).
Elizabeth was a 12 year old girl that had a normal family life. Until it was turned upside down when Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765. She lived on a small lot of land just on the outskirts of town with her father, mother, and her older brother. Her father’s name was Emmett Buford. He was a hard working man and Elizabeth loved her father. Her mother was Abigail Buford and she was to stay at home and care for the children, which is what most women did in these days. Elizabeth’s brother was almost 4 and a half years older than her. His name was Abiel Buford.
Edith Bolling was born to a family of Virginian Aristocracy in Wytheville in 1872. She was the 7th child in a family of 11 kids. At the age of 15 she went to study music for a year at Martha Washington College and a second year at a different smaller school. Edith met a businessman by the name of Norman Galt in Washington when she was visiting a sister. They were soon married and for 12 years, their childless marriage was content. Mr. Galt died unexpectedly in 1908 and Edith left the jewelry firm the two had up to a manager that kept the finances up to par. Not long after the death of her husband, Edith met Woodrow Wilson who had also recently lost his spouse, Ellen. The widower President Wilson was very fond of Edith and found her intelligent.
Margaret went to school at the Claverack College and Hudson River Institute. She wanted to further her education so in 1900 she enrolled in the White Plains Hospital as a nurse probationer. Margaret was married to a dashing man who was called William Sanger. Margaret was plagued by an active tubercular condition but still managed to birth three children and settle down to a quaint life in Westchester, New York. In 1911 Margaret and her family gave up their suburban home after a fire destroyed it and moved to New York City. Margaret then worked as a visiting nurse in the slums of NewYork’s East Side. Margaret’s husband was an architect and worked
Quote/intro: “As a profoundly deaf woman, my experiences have shown me that the impossible is indeed possible!” Heather Whitestone won miss America in 1995 by dancing ballet en Pointe to “Via Dolorosa” (Street of Sorrows). “Despite her deafness, she pursued her dreams, and even made history as the first Miss America with a disability.”
Margaret Floy Washburn was born on July 25, 1871 in New York City to parents Reverend Francis and Elizabeth Floy Washburn. She was born in a time when women were not allowed to display any type of power, higher reasoning, or desire for higher education. At the age of seven, she began her educational journey in the home of a retired Presbyterian minister who lived next door to her family. In 1886, she graduated from high school at the young age of 15 years old. Upon completion of high school, she attended Vassar College where she studied Chemistry and French. However, by the time she had graduated her educational interests had changed to philosophy and science, which
In 1944, she enrolled at Columbia University as a doctoral student, the timing of her enrolment helped her as World War II meant that employers were actively looking to employ women to fill the jobs that the men who had been sent to war had left
A Decade of Fashion The changes of colors and style, hand made fabrics and new styles being creating making the 1960’s the year of breaking the fashion rules, Barbara Hulanicki the fashion icon made fashion change with her new designs. Barbara Hulanicki founder of the very popular store front “Biba “ changed the fashion game when she created clothing for the young generation that she herself could not wear. Her aunt was not ok with her wearing certain styles so once she got the chance to choose her own fashion she went with it.
Margaret Bourke-White; The Eyes of the 1900s “Fittingly for the heroic, larger than life Margaret Bourke-White the eyes were the last to go.” –Sean Callahan Throughout her life, Margaret Bourke-White traveled around the world taking photographs and expanding the idea of photojournalism. She became the first female war correspondent along with a famous documenter of Gandhi’s non-violent protest. Her move to Cleveland, Ohio, her photographic representation of WWII and the Korean Conflict, and her diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease all helped to develop the theme that Margaret Bourke-White broke gender barriers for women in the early 1900s, and led the world on a trail-blazing journey that would inspire generations.
I found your post to be quite interesting. Mary Breckinridge was definitely an influential nursing professional in her era. She embarked on her nursing career shortly after her husband passed away. She was educated at St. Luke's Hospital Training School in New York. Ms. Breckinridge lost her daughter shortly after giving birth to her. Afterwards, she lost her son to a short illness. This can have a major impact on a mother's life. However, Ms. Breckinridge showed remarkable strength and devotion by embracing her career as she cared for others. From caring for victims facing the influenza epidemic to organizing a nursing program, Ms Breckinridge served the community in impeccable way. Her efforts to enhance the knowledge
Barbara Hulanicki was tory burch in the 1960’s. she started with clothing and makeup in the 1960s. Se called her brand name “biba” and mostly teenagers used her makeup. Barbara makeup looks were very dramatic so all her makeup she made very pigmented and dark. Barbara was known for her dramatic looks on makeup and her fashionable clothing that you would see everyone wearing. she is still alive today and her career has been such a successes.
Patricia’s family encouraged her to pursue academic interest.Her father was a former Merchant Marine and he was an occasional newspaper columnist.He taught her about the wonders of travel and the value of exploring new cultures.Her mom is the one who piqued her interest in in science when she bought her a chemistry set.
Through her trailblazing personality and a camera, Margaret Bourke White was able to forge her own path to go and encapsulate the tragic state of affairs that was consuming America. Margaret Bourke-White was born on June 14, 1904 to Joseph White, an engineer, and Minnie White, a stenographer. With two other siblings, she was brought up in a strict household,that favored determination and perseverance (Margaret Bourke-White). These core values instilled in her the courage that was required to break free of the societal norm and follow her passion into photography. White attended Plainfield high school where she first discovered her passion for the arts, being yearbook editor, and competing in literature competitions. She later attended Columbia
Who knows the most about the flights as the people working in this field? Jacqueline Whitmore has made a successful career as a flight attendant and she has some simple and effective tips to make you feel at the airport and on board as at home.