“Goodbye mom! Goodbye dad! Goodbye! Bye!” Margot called as she got on the spaceship. She was going to Venus because Earth is now too over populated. Margot sat in her seat. She’s only four years old and she was going to a whole new planet, away from her parents. She waited on the ship, getting ready to leave. “Goodbye Mr. Sun,” Margot said sadly because she knew that it would be raining when she got there. It had been raining for at least a couple of years and she knew she would not see it for a long time. Back on Venus... “Look! That must be the new girl! I wonder if she's seen the sun! Is it pretty?! I've always wanted to know!” one of the girls exclaimed. This group of kids had been on Venus since they were two so they don’t remember seeing the sun. When Margot arrived, the children greeted her with a million questions like, “What’s the sun like,” “Is it bright?”, “What color is it” and many others. …show more content…
I mean she’s not like ‘the chosen one’ right?” Those words hurt Margot. She just got there and was already making enemies. But that’s alright, she thought, he’s just jealous. He’ll get over it soon. “Come in children! I don’t want you to get wet!” That sounded like a grown woman’s voice. “Coming teacher!” all the children called at once. So that’s the teacher, she thought, that’s
Today, Herr Dippel complimented my English. He told me I am much improved from three years ago. This makes me happy. Herr Dippel has taught me many things but English he
In the story “All Summer In a Day”, Margot’s class mates are jealous of her and describe her as different, because in the story it states, “Margot stood apart from them, from these children who could ever remember there wasn’t a time without rain, rain, and rain.” The
“Shut up, boy,” Emmett snapped. “I’m not ready to waste a bullet.” He eyed Kat with disdain. “This harlot’s not going to sully my reputation or disgrace the family name.”
In the passage, all the school children, sad that the clouds have engulfed the sun for another seven years, run back to shelter only to remember that they left Margot inside the closet the whole time. After seeing the sun for the for the first time they were old enough to remember the children might have regretted locking up Margot in the closet. Now that the kids will remember what the sun is they understood Margot. After playing and running in the hot glorious sun they know what they have been missing their whole life. Margot remembers the sun when she lived on earth when it shined more often. At one time she probably played with the sun shining on her back just like the kids on Venus did. Now the kids understood why she stayed quiet
“Let’s get in line class, before we head off.” The children arranged themselves in something that resembled a clump. “With your partner, please!”
Once again, Tess is lying in bed being a spoilt brat! Acting like what she is going through is the worst thing in the world, it’s like I don’t even exist anymore, what happened to Fin was just ‘life’, and Daniel has no blame in it. Brendan, Mum and especially Joe think that because Tess and I are sisters, I should be the one to say something, to help her … but what am I supposed to say, that everything is ok, that nobody blames her or Daniel, what happened that night was just a terrible freak ‘accident’. It’s all rubbish, I hate Daniel! My own nephew, for what he did, and of course I blame him, he took my son away from me. As for Tess, she should have done something before his anger problems hurt innocent people. Maybe if she had Fin wouldn’t
The teacher says,” Okay class we are going to write about our experience and seeing the Sun any questions”.
‘A Good Man is Hard to Find’ by Flannery O’Connor In this short story by Flannery O’Connor, there are many characters that each bring a certain tone and mood to the story. The grandmother brings a slightly softer tone, the kids bring a playful, sassy tone, and the Misfit and his gang bring a really dark tone. Each character comes together to bring the story to the great, exciting story that it is.
My dearly beloved Rebecca, who of no fault of her own left this world on the 5th October in the chamber of the Salem courthouse. Rebecca and I spend 57 years together, in that time we were fortune enough to share many delightful memories together, with that being said I know I would do anything to be able to have more time with her and create many more memories. As a child I would always dream of marrying the lady of my dreams and that day came true on the 2nd February 1640 when I played my eyes of my beautiful to be wife as she walked down the aisle in a stunning white handcrafted gown.
“Ms. porcellum , erit pars nostra , sicut et nos occisionem qui contra vos adversus incedam , O exaltavi.” The two girls chanted, kneeling before a shrine, a cement wall covered in old, yellowed newspaper clippings with lit candles sitting in front of the wall casting eerie shadows on the cold, lifeless concrete floor. One might think they saw shadows dancing along the wall, beckoning you to their world, their realm of shadows, of death.
Maintaining my position amidst the rain, I observed as she’d progressed to scarcely being visible, and while mulling over the convoluted conversation that had just taken place, a sense of uneasiness began to swell within me. I understood the explanation that she provided, and that her frustration appeared to be firmly rooted within the confines of her Uncle’s soul and bitterness; however, my intuition guided me to believe that, while the explanation she provided was horrible in itself, there was a gaping void that she neglected to fill. There was, indeed, the likelihood of my intuition being saturated with fallacies, and that perhaps relying solely on intuition could be hazardous. Nevertheless, the feeling that resided within the pit of my stomach felt to be resolute and worrisome.
Daphne woke up, bathing in sweat. The fact that her father joined our Father above when she was eight, hunts her. She sat
In paragraph fourteen through fifteen Margot was reading a poem she wrote about the sun.” I think it's like a flower that blooms for just one hour” she said .This shows that Margot misses the sun because, Margot will only sing songs about the sun. Margot also wrote a song about the sun witch shows her love for the sun.
In life we face situations that cause us to make a choice, whether we make the right choice is entirely up to us, in a high school theater class that's exactly what the students learned. They were putting on a play about bullying and how you should speak up for others but behind the scenes the students were having a hard time practicing what their play was teaching them. Kristen who plays the lead role in the play seemed to think that the world revolved around her and that everybody else was just her little workers, we’ll refer to her as the princess. Abby who was just a backstage worker seemed to always be the target for Princesses wrath no matter what she did it was never good enough for the Princess, we’ll refer to Abby as the peasent. Then
Throughout the story, Margot can’t let go that she can’t see the sun anymore. Over time she becomes more and more depressed due to this. Because she can’t let this go, she is only making it worse for herself. It has become so intense that she is becoming afraid or angry at the rain itself and she is not participating in any events.