came to California, USA. I have lived in California for 23 years. I enjoy living in California, especial the pleasant weather comparing with my hometown where winter is cold and snowy.
I have taught preschool (3-5 years old) for six years. I selected this career for my love of teaching young children. I have received Montessori teacher credential and possessed associated teacher permit. Currently, I work as an assistant in Montessori Children’s House Hayward. There are 23 children enrolled in my class. The philosophy of the school is to give quality Montessori classes supported by a warm and nurturing childcare program. Meanwhile, the philosophy is also to fostering the independence of each child and allowing them to grow up fully at his
I am originally from California I spent more than 15 years of my life there and I still have family living that lives there now. I have lived in a few states Montana, Texas, Utah and Washington of course.
I immigrated because of the Cristero War, in Spain. The war was actually a rebellion of the Roman Catholics in Spain who were persecuted by the government. There were dangers such as raids and the death toll was growing higher every day. Being a Catholic Christian family who simply wanted to live in peace, we moved out to escape the war and the persecution that had caused it.
I am a qualified Childcare Practitioner with 12 years’ experience, who would love the opportunity to embark on a career as a Primary Teacher. I am currently employed in a local authority pre-five nursery class within a Primary School. I aspire to become a teacher as I feel it will offer me new challenges and a chance to further develop my love of teaching. I am a dedicated worker and continually strive to provide high standards. I also promote confidence, respect and compassion to ensure all members of the nursery and school are respected.
After finishing school in 1982 I moved to San Francisco. I was in my early twenties and I was drawn to the charm of the city and
The Child Study data I have gathered comes from the observation I have completed at Mission Bell Elementary School. Mission Bell Elementary School is a local school in Riverside. In the P.M preschool class there are 24 students, one teacher, and one assistant. The child I decided to observe is names Zoe. Zoe is 4 years and 10 months old. I immediately was drawn to Zoe because she had such a big personality, was very social, and smart. I am glad that I choose to observe Zoe because she was able to make my observation process smooth and easy. While observing her I had to pay close attention to her biosocial development, motor skills, cognitive skills, communication skills,
I am currently an owner/ director of a childcare center. God’s Individuals (Gigi’s) Clubhouse is the name of the childcare. The childcare operated out of my home. Running a childcare center consist of making decision as a manger and a leader. The childcare consists of 27 children as of now. We are always looking for children who are in need of a homely childcare environment. Gigi’ clubhouse came about some years ago due to the fact so; many children were getting hurt in a childcare center environment. So, as an early childhood educator I decided to make the childcare center like little cottages and use the Montessori method and
I am interested in working with the pediatric population between the ages of 3-8 years old. The first reason for this is my love for children and my goal to stay with my current employer upon graduation which is Hillsborough County Public School District. The second reason is I have had firsthand opportunity to work with special needs children both at work and at home whose needs included multiple tiered services such as occupational, physical, and speech therapy. While working with these children I found great satisfaction and a sense of purpose in helping them obtain life
The three levels of obedience are explained by Dr. Maria Montessori after long observations of children of multiple ages in her classroom. She defines the three of obedience as first, an ability to obey, but not all the time. Secondly an ability to obey at all times after developing their own will. Finally being able to obey consistently, moreover to follow another person which the child has deemed superior to them self. Obedience is commonly defined as acting in accordance with the will of another person. She determined that children have an inherent force within them, termed Horme: a vital internal impulse to act upon ones
The privilege to move to California has exposed me to many different cultures. This has allowed me to grow in many ways. The opportunity to listen and learn was there for the taking and I indulged. I now live in a neighborhood filled with people much different from myself My children's classrooms are filled with people from around the globe. I also have a diverse group of friends that I very much enjoy and spend time with.
The Montessori method began in the early 1900's by the first female doctor in Italy, Dr. Mary Montessori, as a way of educating mentally disabled children. Her ideas were so successful with these children that she began to apply her understanding of learning to study the potential of normally functioning children (Oalf, 2001). Dr. Montessori's approach to education stresses the importance of learning styles, independence and responsibility.
In Montessori education, the term “normalization” has a specialized meaning. “Normal” does not refer to what is considered to be “typical” or “average” or even “usual”. “Normalization” does not refer to a process of being forced to conform. Instead, Maria Montessori used the terms “normal” and “normalization” to describe a unique process she observed in child development.
Watching a small child discover how to operate his or her favorite plaything is awe inspiring. The look of wonder at the item as it's carefully chosen from amongst their belongings and studied ever so carefully for each and every nuance. How that little face lights up with each new discovery no matter how large or small. The sounds of delight an even dismay at an unwanted result are beautiful. Consider an educational system that would continue to utilize a child’s natural curiosity, unyielding ingenuity and thirst for knowledge. Montessori education creates that environment for children by allowing them the freedom to not only gain knowledge in a natural progression, but also provide a basis on which to continue to grow no matter where
Dr. Maria Montessori is the creator for the Montessori Education Method for a new world who devoted her life to improve children’s education excellence. Her educational method is widely used in schools or at home for children 3 t0 6 years old. Maria Montessori lived through one of the traumatic time eras of the world history, which changed everybody’s lives including children. It was the time of anxiety, cruelty, death, family separation and children facing starvation. Maria Montessori felt the best solution to overcome endless, war, violence and poverty is education. Therefore, Maria Montessori believed educating the next generation will improve children’s live and future of the
Maria Montessori was considered ahead of her time. She was born in Chiaravalle, in the province of Ancona, Italy in 1870 to an educated but not wealthy family. Despite her father's wishes and society's conservative ways at the time, she studied science. She was the first female physician in Italy when she graduated medical school in 1896. She worked mostly with the poor because she saw vast potential in them. She was an unselfish person and she traveled Italy speaking of women's rights and child labor law reforms. Not too long after graduating she was chosen to represent Italy in two different women's conferences. They were at Berlin in 1896 and also in London in 1900. Maria was appointed a professor of anthropology at the University of
I have been a preschool teacher, teaching mixed age children from 18 months to 5 years, for over 10 years. I started as a work study employee, while attending the Community College of Philadelphia in 2006, to a part-time teaching assistant while attending Temple University in 2010. This led me to a lead-teacher position after graduation and then to a program coordinator. I have developed effective working relationships with children in the past years. This position has helped me improve my teamwork and interpersonal skills by cooperating with other teachers in planning teaching materials according to the Reggio Emilia approach and by sharing teaching resources. I decided that working with children, understanding and assisting in their education,